
Hybrid system and Nintendo and GameFreak are working on a Pokemon MMO that has all the regions (hence the Pokemon Generation shorts, just like Origins was a promo for mega-evolution in X&Y)

No, that’s exactly, 100% fearmongering.

You do realize there is a difference between donations going to a Foundation or Charity and into her pocket, right? I had to look it up myself to see what the Clinton Foundation actually does, but it doesn’t seem their goal is “to put money in Hillary’s pocket”. The foundation also seems to operate GLOBALLY, so

I mean, we can be even clearer, if that’ll help you.

No, my argument is that society has legalized alcohol and cigarettes, which do far more harm than marijuana.

LSD, MDMA, Marijuana, and psilocybin have all been used medically. Not sure how this is even allowed. Like how can another government entity not just go...”Guys, here’s multiple peer reviewed scientific studies showing that these substances have medical benefits.”? How can the DEA look that shit in the face and just

I personally do not get the idea of not cashing out early when you are worth $500 million. You have two kids, you are young still, and could retire and actually do something with your life other than running a third string internet portal. I simply do not get the desire to work ridiculously hard when you are already

The Silicon Valley types love to self fellate themselves into this delusion that because they work harder than everyone they deserve more than everyone even though they just tick away at a computer keyboard while their wage slaves in China use nerve destroying chemicals to build bullshit that runs their shitty

Here’s the thing though. Jill Stein is selling herself as the principled candidate for people who want to vote their conscience.

Many Clinton supports know our vote is a pragmatic choice for the least bad option. And that’s fine.

If you’re already in a position to rationalize your vote for a person who thinks

From Page Six: Sarandon said convention organizers are making it difficult to carry out “the will of Bernie Sanders’ people.”

Exactly, plus the stunner has more pracitcal real world applications. You cant Tombstone a friend,neighbor or boss as easily as you could drop a stunner on them. Its why the peoples elbow is a great practical move too, assuming they are knocked out and allow you the 30 seconds to get the crowd going.

If we published every stupid thing you thought as a teenager you would literally die of shame, so fuck right off.

I was a little surprised at Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Bill Clinton’s speech last night.

My 3 month old son was in TEARS yesterday when he realized only women can be president and that Hillary Clinton hates him. I’m 95% sure that’s why he was upset. Of course I drank his tears to regenerate my power.

But what Mr. Trump did, he spoke in a language that all Americans can understand. That is English.

Btw folks, there’s a conservative troll going around today trying to present themselves as a “never Hillary” Bernie supporter. Some name like “BERNIE FAM STAY WOKE” or something as equally dumb. Don’t bother engaging.

Patrick and Obama had the same speechwriter. It’s not plagiarism to reuse your own material, you fucking halfwit.

The first one isn’t really plagiarism. The second one is a pretty mild case. The third one is egregious, and it has stayed with Biden ever since, rightly so. I’d say Melania’s speech winds up somewhere between the second example and the third, and that it’s made worse by context.

Dude, please. The REAL scandal here isn’t that Melania lifted a few sentences from Michele Obama’s speech. I mean who the fuck cares about Melania Trump?

The primary difference here being that Patrick and Obama both had the same person writing their speeches.