
No, it wasn’t. No, she didn’t. No, it wasn’t. “Whatever reason” was because it wasn’t criminal and if you think the director of the FBI fears for his life from a political candidate, you need to seek help.

I really don’t need to understand people who voted for an openly racist candidate. Those people don’t even think I’m the same kind of human as them. They want to take away some of my rights. So no, I don’t need to hear all about their feelings on how people like me and my friends are taking over “their” country. Fuck

I work with a group of mostly Hispanic and Black teens, one of whom recently asserted that Hillary Clinton had “sold thousands of her emails to terrorists” and he was happy that Trump won the election. — Five minutes earlier he had been very easily duped by a photo of me that had my head superimposed on an Olympic

My mother is like a horse whisperer for conservatives. Her mantra is “meet them where they’re at.” She asks a lot of questions. For instance, this is a conversation she had last month with a right-wing houseguest: “Why do you support Trump?” “You liberals think we’re all stupid.” “I don’t think you’re stupid. Why do

It’s tough because Trump and his people have established an easy to use “disbelief” system. If you don’t like a fact, you attributed to the “liberal biased media” or just point one of the conservative websites who manage to find an “expert” who simply says “Nope” and that proves it. I was talking with a guy recently

The thing that amazes me is that to a person, I’ve not heard of one Trump voter, either thru friends or in interviews, that hasn’t said something like “Oh, I know he’s an asshole, liar, racist, bigot, sexist (pick one or all) “but I just wanted to shake things up and change Washington”.

Baldwin’s reaction is like that republican lady who got all mad at Ana Navarro for saying pussy on the news when she was quoting Donald Trump - same misdirection, same reduction of the word to the single, most recent instance of it’s use while blatantly ignoring the referenced, and far more significant, use.

Yes. That is the goal, but with no real idea of why my coaster with one loop and a banked turn is a nausea inducing horror yet some of the prebuilt that look like they literally scramble your organs are just the bees god damned knees.

I have completely disowned an entire branch of my family because of their political beliefs. Haven’t seen any of them in at least 8 years.

Yep. In Germany, you can’t walk three blocks without tripping over a holocaust memorial. And they didn’t turn their concentration camps into “nostalgic,” “charming,” “historical” places to host weddings, like we did with plantations.

They put us to shame in that department. America was built on genocide and slavery. How many Americans do you think would acknowledge that?

Germany is pretty much the only country that doesn’t whitewash its history, and makes damn sure children are raised learning everything about its past mistakes so they won’t make them again. Virtually no other country does that.

Looking to Germany for a means to deal with a fascist Cheeto Voldemort?

Well, keep us up to date.


We need to have a serious conversation about consent in this country, because too many people just don’t get it. And that is completely inexcusable.

There’s people who don’t understand how consent works, and don’t purposely decide to commit a crime - it may be a small percentage compared to serial rapists, but it’s enough to be worth going over the definition of consent.

It seems kind of stupid that it even needs to be stated that sexual assault and harassment is wrong within the smash community as if 1 that is not common fuckin knowledge and 2 illegal and wrong in every state in the country. I don’t think there needs to be a “community guide” specifially for a single game community

It’s not supposed to be related to the game itself. It’s a conversation related the community, which I think has been made pretty clear.

Yup! Nerd culture is full of some of the most vile, women-hating, impotent pieces of shit on Earth.