
It still amazes me how many people don't understand the concept of free speech. You're a moron.

I love how the viewers really needed the titles to remind us who these interchangeable nobodies were, because otherwise they’re a bunch of generic guitar-playing white boys with about an ounce of talent among them. They could have easily been some mid-90s boy band called ‘Murkun Eyedoll’.

Well there are some complex things at play here. First of all, we don’t grow up calling the Pilgrims and Western settlers ‘illegal immigrants,’ even though they weren’t especially welcome when they arrived. Probably because they forced their culture on everyone else and destroyed everything they couldn’t assimilate.

Um, here’s an idea - if you think the men in a prison will assault a woman for looking like a woman, maybe put the woman in a women’s prison? Just saying.

I would have thought Colonel Sanders would be a breast man.

Yeah, I think you really meant that people are just going to keep eating like they do because it’s easier than making a change. The only way people make a change like this is if they have a brush with death (sometimes that’s enough, but usually not) or if someone they respect already lives this way.

Unless your French because I believe they do all those things and still have a higher life expectancy. Which just shows you the real culprit is stress.

I’m not sure why scientists bother; fat people are just going to keep eating the way they have...they don’t want to be told. #FatLivesMatter

I’ll say it again: Feminism without intersectionality is just various shades of bigotry.

So these screw ups - care to detail?

It doesn’t hurt that Clinton and Richards are about 19x smarter than anyone else in the room.

Hillary did better than anyone expected yesterday. There was a moment where she shot a glance at this Senator, I forget which one, after he turned his attitude up a little too loud and you could feel him shrinking in his seat. She may as well have screamed at him “I told everyone to check their fucking priviledge at

That’s definitely a big problem. The one I faced a lot was always smartphones.

Lol, you really raise the level of discourse to an art form, don’t you? No, by “fancy”, I mean Chez Panisse, French Laundry, etc. but thanks for your concern and your obvious class contempt. To clarify, at fast food places like McDonalds or Starbucks, yes, we’ll clean our table to leave it like when we sat down (and

LOL, look at you calling someone an asshole for doing someone a favor. You must be a real pleasure to know.

Gee, I wonder why.

In my experience the people who do that shit are so desperately lonely. Like they have no one to talk to outside of complaining to retail/food service people.

I want to shake all of these people. 13 cent guy the most. Dude, it’s 13 fucking cents.

having a combined console/handheld game library is very appealing. I’d be interested in it. you know, for the kids.

this is a fresh, hot take that I’ve never heard before