
Right. I didn’t talk about length of time.... I said:

This is a great point! If you find a guy who cares about you, he should be willing and eager to learn... and ideally you’ll feel comfortable saying “try this” or “move it that way” etc etc 

I’ll also add that once you find a guy who fits your first bullet point don’t be afraid to lead and teach during sex to get what you want.

If under 5% of all the men you ever had sex with actually took actions to give you pleasure... might I suggest:

So are we at a point where it’s just pointless to apply public pressure to anyone over any past wrong doing, and pointless for any public figure to apologize for any previous wrongdoing or shitty behavior?

Larry Flynt is a great example of a complex human who did great and terrible things, and how we as a supposedly civil society comprised of intelligent thinkers should be able to analyze that good and bad within the context of that society and conclude, “Maybe we don’t negate the good someone does just because they’re

Testosterone is a thing, whether you want it to be or not. Compare weightlifting records for biological men and women. The differences are vast, especially in drug-tested competition. Making cis women compete against trans women in weightlifting would be embarrassing for everyone involved, athletes included.

My very first sentence mentions the tone of your article. You show no compassion at all for Collins, which is weird.

I think it would be great if next time, instead of an unflattering photo of the victim (Phil Collins), you put an unflattering photo of the human piece of trash that is his ex-wife.

The implication that he had it coming for having an addiction is also pretty gross. 

The tone of this article is baffling and the content is a mess.

If her claims are true, then that means Phil Collins has struggled with addiction (and painkiller addiction is real and very serious, having known a family member who had to go to rehab for it).

She’s not a Nazi. She is evil. I find is scary how that is so hard to stomach for some because she is ‘progressive’. She’s a Supe! This show is all about how power corrupts. Just like Edgar. He rationalizes it with a semi valid point but he still chooses to work with a Nazi for profit and power.

But that’s the jump off point. You have expectations and they subvert them. I mean... this is fiction 101.

I don’t know how you could possibly think that this episode was suggesting “both sides are bad” or any sort of equivalency between Nazis and progressives. That’s just ridiculous. Some people fake/use progressivism in order to gain power and wealth; Neuman is one of those people.

I think you are projecting too much on this. The Neuman reveal doesn’t mean Progressives = Nazis. It means she’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing and we have not a clue what her game is. I didn’t get that take at all. Cults of personalities are bad things was my biggest take away. If, next year, they show her as committed

The Kleins aren’t necessarily “nobodies” in the Youtube community. They have 21 million followers on their H3H3 account and have a popular podcast. But you know, that would have taken two minutes of research. Ethan defended James at the height of the Tati Westbrook vitamin drama.

“To be clear, Karvunidis appears to be condemning explosions or violence stemming from gender reveal celebrations more than the antiquated format in which adults celebrate the publication of the kind of genitals a fetus appears to have in the womb...

Blogger bravely snarks at Taylor Swift.

I’m an old, but it takes courage for Swift to make a clear statement like that. Most celebrities get mushy-mouthed about politics, which is understandable due to the potential of alienating a significant sector of the public and their livelihoods. Swift will lose many country fans for this (yes, she still has country