He had a pretty amazing pronunciation of Gisele’s last name. Also the talking down to the hosts at the end was pretty clearly someone who gets talked about by the hosts.
Counterpoint: Even the lamest dinosaur is fucking awesome.
“Deplorable” is an adjective, so it wouldn’t be name calling. Mike Pence is awful.
Thank you for your continued support of people who can’t stand Cardinals fans.
I can’t wait to watch. This should be hilarious!
Let’s say this is true, that in fact the President ignored the advice of those whose job is to provide “intelligence.”
My almost-4-year-old son calls him “the villain” when he hears his name or sees him on TV. Mind you, we never taught him that. He has seen enough cartoons to recognize one.
Not sure the NFL had probable cause for making this rash decision. Very questionable judgment. It’s doubtful the league goes back on it now, though. Out.
Beat me to the punch!
Hey, I’m a dad that tucks his polo into his khaki shorts and I neither like nor enjoy Peter King as a writer and personality.
I didn’t know Bills fans were Cubs fans.
Deadspin staff member you miss the most?
You obviously changed the picture after I scrolled past it.
Wait, I’ve been banking on Theon Greyjoy doing the deed and I can’t get odds on it?