
“The key is that I’m the king and every queen should support the king.”= Automatic grounds for divorce.


The attitude of the family towards the boys vs the girl really highlights the attitude that led to and enabled her sexual abuse in the first place. In their eyes the basic concerns of the little girl, including her physical safety, are utterly unimportant. The interests of the boys and even the vile prurient interests

This is so sad. This is why, the volume needs to continue to be turned way up, when we talk about gender equity. The reason why this happened is because our society, still values boys over girls and men over women. What this does, is teach those sons, and the boys in this community, that they are more valuable than

My mom and dad got separated while she was pregnant with me and divorced shortly after I was born. Dad got remarried and had 3 girls with wife number 2. I was a bit jealous until I got a call from her saying that dad was in jail for raping my sisters. Last week, 20 years later, I get a call from wife number 4 that he

Hopefully DCFS will remove her and place her with a well-vetted, loving foster/adopt family.

This poor, poor little girl. You know what, it’s quite plausible that she’s devastated at the thought of not having her dad in her life - abuse within families is as complicated as it is horrific, and it could not be clearer that the adults in her life are encouraging her feelings of loss and guilt, rather than those

Here’s his info if y’all want to call or write some strongly worded words:

“...there’s a loophole for those arrested for incest involving someone under 12 years old.”
*record scratch* Say what now?

At the least she still has to live with a mother that thinks her rapist is not such a bad guy and deserves forgiveness.

Maybe she can respond that “congealing in a slaughterhouse gutter” is not birth and so he is ineligible.

From what you describe to his almost joyful embrace of the Church’s anti-homosexuality stance, to being sorta-kinda ok with GWB’s death penalty stance while condemning abortion as pure evil, Dolan is a world-class cocksneeze. I hope he and Trump choke each other unconscious.

Maybe someone can also roast that fucker Dolan, too. He is no better, Mr. I- will-spend-ungodly-(in all senses of the word) amounts-of-money-to-block-legislation-that-would-extend-the-statute-of-limitations-for-sex-abuse-survivors. NY has a surprisingly short SOL of just 5 years for both criminal and civil cases, and

I’d go even more general and say that people shouldn’t be touching anyone unsolicited, unless they are familiars. My mom told me a story the other night she was in line at the check-out and some woman put her hand on her shoulder to tell her she liked her (political) shirt. The compliment was lost on her because she

What the fuck. It’s like they cant control themselves.

I’m thinking for most women it was the Access Hollywood tape, or his subsequent denial of actually doing those things to women. To me it makes 100% sense that none would bother putting themselves through this before, but that his description of assaults and denial were too galling for these ladies to put up with it

Fuck anyone questioning timing of this. He fucking triple dog dared these women to come forward with his supposed respect for women. Here’s a man used to doing whatever he wants, to whoever he wants knowing they cannot do anything back because court is expensive as fuck. This is such a beautiful thing to witness.

Something like this happened to me when I was thirteen. I was groped in an elevator by the father of a classmate. I never told anyone except for a couple of friends when I was in college. I feel people will dismiss this woman’s account because “it’s not like he raped her,” or this does not “count as assault” or maybe

She made a lot more money than him for the vast majority of their life together. She can afford to dress nicely thanks to herself, thankyouverymuch.

I hope it's paid for by right-wing tears.