
This reminds my random mind of a story, where my husband had a ‘friendship’ with a goose who lived in the park-area around his workplace. He named her Gertrude (or Gurty, like the character in ET), and he really liked her. Then, one day, She was out there hanging out with Richard, and my husband was over the moon!

And here I thought that Shakespeare guy is doing an amazing job and getting recognized more and more.

Rihanna could show up in a literal hefty bag and Jez/the internet would trip all over themselves to claim it’s haute couture. She looks like she’s going to the prom in 1995.

Well, thank goodness they didn’t use women as nothing more than sexually available decorations in this video. Oh wait. They did.

Even worse, later in the show she started to take a shit right there in her dress. There are photos of it. The shit hit the ground and she scooped it up and began to eat it.

Excuse me while I snort my birth control off my desk.

I have some chronic pain issues so I’ve taken a lot of NSAIDS (mostly high dose ibuprofen) over the past five months or so and I went to the doctor yesterday and admitted I’ve switched over to edibles (weed) as much as I can, and her response was “Hey, that’s great. That will do way less damage to your stomach and

Stoners not having anger issues is actually a pretty big misconception. I’ve known plenty who are far from the happy panda stereotype. At the very least, people who are ALWAYS high tend to be incredibly unpleasant if they are in a situation where they can’t smoke. When I was younger it was acquaintances who knew they


I can’t think of a legit reason for my boyfriend to have my account and phone passwords. He has his own accounts and phone. Why would he need mine? Absent some actual suspicions about something, why would I demand that he give me his? I don’t believe that just because I’m part of a couple, I have to give up all

Don’t ignore your gut feeling. Several years ago, I dropped my daughter off at preschool and ran into the new summer teacher who I hadn’t met before. I instantly felt something was off about him. He made me uncomfortable. Turns out, he molested nearly all of the girls in the class that summer. One of the only reasons

Maybe it’s Dad’s fault his 15 year old daughter had self-esteem issues and wound up sexting with a perv. (To paraphrase Chris Rock.... “If your 15 year old is sexting with a perv, you f**ked up as a dad.”)

*Runs to Audible.

Leah Remini won me over with “Troublemaker” because of how she tells it as it is. I ordered it on Audible which was the best decision ever because I got to listen to it in her outspoken New Yorker accent. Highly entertaining!

The bullying element has grown SO much now that kids have technology at their fingertips 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Used to you could go home and be safe from hate, but not anymore. Bullying (combined with mental health issues) is what landed my daughter in a psychiatric hospital last month with suicidal thoughts.

Goddammit, lock that shit up in a gun safe and the bullets some place else.

“But, but, but...it’s not the gun’s fault. If a person wants to kill themselves they’ll find a way to do it.”

Also, fuck you people who espouse that logic.

Fuck you people who keep your guns ”hidden.”

Goddammit, lock that shit up in a gun safe and the bullets some place else.

because if he put that glass down it would tip over.