
People kill people they know. We live in a fairly segregated society. Too simple, but it explains a lot. 

Part of me agrees with you. The other part cynically suspects it wouldn’t matter.

Kotaku is losing me more and more every article you all write, im a full fledged liberal that thinks trans rights are human rights. I cant stand coming to this site hardly anymore because its not about games its about politics. In every article. I’m just trying to escape, my life is rough too...

For real. The mapping aspect IS the draw for these games. If you don’t want to map the dungeons yourself, I have to wonder why you’re playing at all.

It means someone is going to kill you.

People who don’t want to hear that a boycott of this game has no real effect on her finances or her bigotry* just don’t want to admit that it’s more about acting self-righteous and preening their egos rather than actually helping trans people. Crying about this game and calling anyone who buys it a transphobe is much

I’m too busy being disappointed in my own genitals to worry about other peoples.

This is some dark shit. Time to back away from the pop culture. This is fucking you up inside.

I think a lot of it comes from how lights are more or less automatic now for the basic function. I always have to remind myself to turn them back on when I get the car back from service since they turn them off. 

What do you mean? My wife definitely has an Egyptian god of the dead in her cooch. We sacrifice to it and everything.

I mean, very little of it was “vitriol” though...?

It should not be a foregone conclusion that a dad will lose custody in the divorce. Men should have more resources to help prevent suicide. Male victims of domestic abuse should be treated seriously. Men should not be forced to serve in the milirary exclusively on the basis of gender. Male nurses should not face

I turned myself into A Problem Mortyyyyyy [brap]

I mean, part of the problem is that we keep ignoring shit like this. Like, is a 19-year-old breaking a controller after losing in a fighting game really important? No, but just as you posted all of those men acting like babies and said “who the heck cares”, we need to stop acting like it’s ok. Competitive, hyped up on

Nintendo games go on sale all the time though, and have since the Wii era. It’s just a seasonal thing and never below $40ish for their first party stuff.

He was right, it was one stone cold killing.

“But in no other industry would it be acceptable to take abuse from a boss or employer in this kind of way...”

If its about killer werewolf/cow hybrids run amuck ...

People just don’t understand the importance of physical media. All the movies/shows I own physical copies are ones that I watch over and over and over. I’m never going to trust streaming services to works that I think are so important.