
I mean, have people never heard of dark chocolate fudge??

Oh, I completely agree. I love Obama! I think he did an awesome job with the people he had to work with. I'm only worried that without the public option, the individual mandate could indeed be problematic Constitutionally. I want the ACA to survive.

I sincerely hope that people will be brought to justice. This is kidnapping. It has nothing to do with religious freedom.

I find it so frustrating that an employer won't pay someone enough for them to afford the insurance coverage *they are offering*. Gah! Do you know if the vouchers will allow you to afford the insurance?

I think both views are incorrect. If you don't want to buy car insurance, that's fine; you just can't drive. The government isn't forcing you to own a car. However, with health insurance, there's no way to opt out completely without dying.

Driving is a choice and privilege. Living, assuming you want to stay alive, is not.

The problem I have with the individual mandate is not that everyone is required to have insurance or pay a penalty, but that everyone is required to buy a product from a private company or pay a penalty. It's why we needed the public option. It's the same for education; everyone needs an education, but I'm not

I read in the Washington Post that the Supreme Court can't overturn only a clause or two, but would have to overturn the entire law. Also, without an individual mandate and with the abolishing of refusals due to pre-existing conditions, there would be nothing to stop people from buying health insurance only once

I'm pretty sure T_Beermonster was talking about the film, not the book. "There is nothing *in the film* to make her a figure of any importance...*in the film* Rue is a redshirt." I, too, loved her in the books, and wish that her film representation got more screen time and importance.

Yes, I know. But her family is very, very clearly described as being pale white with that coloring. I'm all for more PoC being cast in more roles! But here, the role wasn't racially ambiguous, unfortunately. If Katniss didn't have her pale white family, whom she's supposed to look like, I probably would have

Um. May I ask what that does mean? >.>

2. I'm pretty sure Collins did that on purpose. It was a comment on our own world, and a way to connect our atrocities with Panem's.

A lot of people (including me a little while ago) think that more syllables = more politically correct and less offensive. A lot of white people are desperately afraid of offending someone when talking about race, and so they say AA, not Black.

I've had women proposition me in dreams, or almost have sex, but I always have this nagging feeling that's something's wrong, and I eventually remember that I'm straight and don't have sex with the woman.

That's how I describe Murakami! But I'd recommend reading Kafka on the Shore or 1Q84 first, since I think both of those have much better pacing. Still, though, Murakami is one of my favourite authors ever. I absolutely love him.

Yay! I'm so glad I could help! It's one of my favourite books, and I haven't even read that many mysteries because I'm not good at picking out which ones would be interesting. I was sure you had already read it, because it was really popular for a little while, but, hooray! And yay for libraries!

In 8th grade I wrote a persuasive paper for racial profiling! ....Yeah. I wasn't actually *for* it, but, I wasn't against it, either. I started out against, and then found a few really persuasive and well-written articles for it, and just didn't come across similarly good articles against. If they were good, my 8th

I'm....pretty sure you're being intentionally funny? Right?

Have you read In the Woods? Fantastic creepy mystery set in Scotland (...somewhere in the U.K.? It's been a little while), great characters, great plot, great twining the past with the present.

Hey there. I just want to let you know that you're not alone. This happens to me every time new pictures are added to facebook, and then I hate myself for days. It sucks.