
No, at a certain point, it’s not just lowest common denominator - both people meet in the middle. And if it’s for EVERY chore and those chores just would not get done otherwise..that’s not ok. I make an effort to pick up my clothes more because my boyfriend doesn’t have the abiltiy to memorize a safe path through the

Oh god, yeah, don’t budge from that line. He is a grown ass adult who can recognize and do the dishes - and no, bugs and old dishes are NOT acceptable. The sink should be empty and the dishwasher running if full by the time you go to bed, and the level of squalor you’ve indicated is not at all an acceptable

So this might be overly simple, but - I have a housemate with mostly managed ADHD who is very messy, and a housemate with OCD who is incredibly clean. I’m somewhere in the middle. We got a magnet for the dishwasher that says clean/dirty. If you see the dishwasher says clean, you unload it. If it says dirty, your

But can we talk about how the pitch deck markets this year as “Year 1: Water” like they’re on the journey of the Last Airbender?!?

BLM is *different* from saying “stop killing us”. It’s saying black lives MATTER. Black lives are worthy. Black lives are important. It’s a completely different message, and BLM is affirming and positive and refers to black lives and is not semantically based around white violent action.

I immediately thought of The Oath of the Horatii. Not just in the pyramid composition with an outstretched arm reaching to a weapon, or in the photograph, holding a weapon. Not just in the parallels between the grieving women calling to mind impending death and the ambassador’s body in the corner.

This is AMAZING and should be posted everywhere.

Is there any way you’d be able to anonymously leak that memo? To anyone who’d listen?

So, voting for Hillary in a blues state would still have helped her with the popular vote. If enough people had done that, and she won the popular vote by a large enough margin, there would have at least been a far different narrative about the election and Trump’s “mandate”.

Eh, I’ve seen better in the DC metro.


I know of three people who left Kenyon due to complaints against them, so, I guess occasionally it happens. Not nearly enough though. You’re completely right - they say 51%, but, really they want much more than that - and I know many, many more people who were scared to formally lodge a complaint, felt overwhelmed by

That’s so horrible, I can’t even imagine. Two students in my class (‘15) died, one during my freshman year and one on his abroad trip to Egypt our Junior year. I can’t imagine what dealing with that grief along with the knowledge that it was due to such a horrific murder.

Yes, I remember hearing about that. I volunteered at a homeless shelter for one semester, and the way the people who ran the shelter talked about it, you could tell how psychologically impactful it was on the community. Really, really horrible. (And they were put inside a dead tree on the trail?)

Holy shit, I never even heard rumors about that happening. What year was this?

Yeah, I had a friend who woke up to a random dude drunkenly walking into her room. He was too drunk to figure out where he was supposed to go or that he was even in the wrong place, so, she and her roommate got a blanket for him, tucked him in on their floor, and put a glass of water by him. Tons of people have

Now all the dorm buildings have k-card scan locks. I’d say maybe 25% of students lock their doors? I never did.

This whole thing is so upsetting - I went to Kenyon, and Decatur always came across as *extremely* aware of the issues and very supportive of the Sexual Misconduct Advisors, Take Back the Night, Crozier (the feminist house), etc. He seems to truly care about this issue and believes that it’s a real problem, but you’re

Chelsie’s mother commented on one of the Collegian posts on Facebook and said that they did go to the police. However, the police discouraged her from making a report, saying that it would be “he said/she said”: