Hunger Games Jezzies will enjoy this little anecdote:
Hunger Games Jezzies will enjoy this little anecdote:
They'd look very stylish with a fitted, tailored top/jacket, pointy black heels, and a statement necklace. But, you would have to be pretty tall and slim in the legs to pull them off because to the tapered cut and slightly short hem.
I watched BR tonight for the first time to tide myself over. It's pretty darn different! (I actually just posted a longer comment about it over in groupthink). Is it sad that I'm giving in to other fandoms because I'm so excited for HG that I can.not. contain myself?
I still get goosebumps and I've watched the trailer more times than I can count. So excited to see the whole thing!!!
You are a better person than I can ever hope to be.
Ah, thank you for the recommendation! I shall definitely watch it.
I'm young (and white) and whenever the subject of natural hair comes up, the only reactions I've ever heard are, "it's beautiful! It should be accepted!" So, why isn't it? I understand at least some of the history (there is always more to learn, of course), but I don't understand why it's a problem *still*. Is it…
I do think it's setting them up for resentment. In the article, the mother did make the son go along to meetings at the nutritionist's and eat the same things. I don't see where it says that she gave that up, so I'm not sure if she's feeding him different things or feeding him more of the same.
She did hire a nutritionist, and made her "normal" weight son go along so that her daughter wouldn't feel other-ed.
Yeah, I agree completely! The mother was definitely out of line a lot. I'm just not quite sure that I agree with the demonizing of her. When I read it, I thought she admitted to making mistakes at the birthday party and other occasions, and felt really bad and guilty about it.
Yesssssss SO excited!!
"Different nutritional requirements" being that he needed to eat a lot more than her. It happens. Both my brothers need to eat multiple plates of food every meal just to maintain their weight, while if I eat a full plate of food every meal, I'll gain weight.
While I agree with a lot of commenters' criticisms of the mom, there are some things in the article I'm ok with.
Katniss is very clearly white in the books. She's described as having an "olive tone" to her skin, but lots of white people have that skin tone. She's also supposed to look like her sister and mother, who are pale skinned and blonde.
Yeah, I'd be more alright with those types of regulations. Still, those restrictions are often about safety as well as efficiency. And a lot of jockeys are naturally petite! They definitely have to watch what they eat and exercise, and there are eating disorders, but many thin ones are just lucky to have the right…
A more proper analogy would be if you were good at modeling, had a career in it, and people wanted to hire you, only couldn't because the law says you're too short. I don't think the law has any place saying who can and can't work what jobs because of body type, especially when the measure is bad at measuring health.
This is what I thought too! Um...what was he actually saying?
You can always share those types of things on Groupthink! Apologies if you already know about it, but apparently, many people around here do not realize there is a perpetual open thread. It's #Groupthink, or you can click the link in the box on the top right hand corner that's on the front page when you're in blog…
Yocake has been around for at least a year, almost definitely two years, now. It's been at Montgomery Mall. Why is this news all of a sudden?
It's my birthday! THANK YOU!!