
I can tell you that I went through all my teenage angst and rebellion when I was a child. Once a reached teenage years, I became a normal, well adjusted human being. I have to say, part of it was reverse psychology; I heard so often that I would become a terrible person and hate my parents that I just *did* *not*

Rooney Mara was definitely my favorite of the night. I love her hair, her makeup, her stance (I'm bored of the normal hand on hip *Celebrity* pose- she looks poised yet relaxed), and I love her dress. It fits her beautifully and the cutouts are dramatic while still being unique.

The Sephora brand eyeliner is about $8 and super creamy. It'll wear off eventually, but mine mostly lasts throughout the entire day. When it does wear off, it's gone, and not collecting underneath your eyes. (Sidenote: I mostly wear my eyeliner on my top lid.)

I get nauseous just thinking about that "Indian" hot pocket...

I'm not surprised it's KLM. I flew with them a couple years ago, and *never* again. Worst airplanes and worst flying experience I have ever had.

I am SO excited for this!! It reminds me of Tamora Pierce novels :).

Oh. That makes SO much more sense. Sorry about that! I'm always a little bit scared that I'm saying something wrong here.

Wait, what? Can you explain what I did? I'm sorry?

No! You can't do anything about it! Because if you get surgery then you have *issues* and no guy will ever want to date you, and if you get a padded bra then you're being fake and betraying feminism! Silly lady, perfection is supposed to be natural and effortless.

I don't think the problem is any one guy here. Like you said, preferences can't be helped. I found your statement to be a very nice one. The problem I, and I think most people here have, is that this article compiles the views and in doing so, leaves out a significant portion of women in the "what I find

I get what you're saying, and I'm all for lots of sex talk on Jezebel.

Thank you for this! A 32B looks completely different cup-size-wise from a 38B. Completely. Different.

I know! It's so frustrating! My boobs don't exist, and yours exist too much. We can't win.

Haha, thank you. Between random strangers on the internet being kind, and me bugging my boyfriend for compliments, I should be feeling better in no time! Too bad Jezebel of all places brought this up..

Girth definitely matters. I, for one, like less of it. I'm a small person. Less would mean I could maybe actually have sex.

So, men who have preferences like large boobs- but not "too" large! Either men actively dislike small breasts, or they're included in the "anything goes" category. Sigh. I know many many women of all breast sizes and shapes struggle with their breasts, but it really sucks when my small breasts are always in the

And now I may or may not be asking you about these coupons, because I may or may not reallyreallyreally want those nail polishes?

The [something something] is "to help others at all times"! I didn't realize I remembered it all until I read your post.

Hey, just a reminder that Lent isn't celebrated only by Catholics. When I went to church, my church observed it, and we were Methodist. (Super super liberal methodists.) I have Episcopal friends who observe it.

It took me solid three minutes to realize you were typing Morons, not Mormons.