What was the reason for the shooting? My reading comprehension must be shot, because I don't see it on the Wikipedia page..
What was the reason for the shooting? My reading comprehension must be shot, because I don't see it on the Wikipedia page..
I don't have suggestions, but I do want to say that I have pair #2, and I love them too!
I do a lot of choral singing, so I run into this problem a lot. It used to really bother me, but I realized that the vast majority of good music that wasn't written in the past century is going to be religious. I have trouble discounting some truly beautiful pieces of music, like the Messiah, simply because it's a…
Could your dream be more indicative of your fears and a warning about yourself, rather than about him? As in, go commit before you lose him and he eventually finds someone else?
What about tickets to a show or concert? It would make her happy, would give you a chance to go out, isn't a gift certificate, and wouldn't clog up space.
Hmm. These are great suggestions, but her stye is more modest/nerdy/a bit indie. Thank you, though!
All you knitters out there:
I had pinworms fifth/sixth grade, and was too embarrassed to say anything for over a year because I thought they were sperm. Yep. Sperm were somehow getting into me despite me never being near boys.
For clothes for your daughter, is it possible to find out what websites she browses to look at clothes? What her favorite colors are, or look at what type of tops she tends to wear? Oversized chunky sweaters, drapey tops, cute cardigans, etc.? Look for something that has the same type of shape or style, and she'll…
This was my first thought, too! I love Tamora Pierce's novels. Love.
One of my friends has been in a relationship for 3 years, and nearly all of that has been long distance. The guy even lived in China for a while, and she's always been in the U.S. They're still going strong, even though they've spent in total a little bit over a month together in real life since they started dating. …
Wouldn't that apply to both the ten year old girl and the ten year old boy, then? They'd both be incapable of giving consent. Did they both rape each other?
I think that the charity giving in someones name as a gift can work for the holidays if you're giving to an organization they're passionate about. If there isn't an organization or cause they feel strongly about, or if you're giving to the same place for everyone and it's a place you care more about than them, then it…
Have you tried asos.com? Also, department stores have coupons and sales all the time, so you may not have to pay the sticker price for those places. Nordstroms and Lord and Taylor have some dresses that aren't ridiculously expensive, although they can be hard to find, but their quality is always top notch. …
Ooh, what are these exercises?? I have the same issues with tense muscles there...
He emailed you, don't worry! If he can email you and not be thought of as a crazy stalker-pants, then you can easily email him back and not be thought of as crazy. That's my mental test: If a guy did this to me, would I assume he was madly in love with me? If not, then you have a green light. If yes, and you suspect…
I'm right on the edge of the Millennials, and I always forget that I was alive for Clinton, because Bush was elected when I was in 2nd grade. So, Bush was the President I grew up with, and now I have Obama. My choice would pretty clearly be Obama.
I hit cancel, NOT submit.
I was scrolling through the comments because I thought of this! I remember another study earlier saying that lack of sleep may even be a contributing *cause* and not a symptom, of depression. All I could find here is correlation. Gah. Science writing.
I'm not alone!! Bath time was sad time for me, because I'd always get tons of soap in my eyes, without fail, and it would always sting *so badly*.