
Celebrities who raise money for anything are always chastised for not giving enough themselves, no matter how much they actually give. Every person involved in this kind of endeavor gives some money; some more generously than others. But I don’t see the problem with a rich person giving a nice chunk of change AND

Oh I’m sure. I was just making a joke. Although if her family does have money I wouldn’t be surprised if she gets the brock Turner treatment. Although she’s a woman, buuut she’s a blond white woman, so...

ESPN: We’re sorry it’s true.

No way you could say something like that in the media about Obama without backlash or trouble.

Jemele Hill is one of my least favorite ESPN personalities and I frequently disagree with her.

No, but using the oft-quoted parts of “I have a dream” to pat themselves on the back while ignoring his less convenient speeches is an easy, self-serving way to act not racist but be complicit in structural racism. It reduces MLK to a mascot.

He’s saying people who claim to not be white supremacists, but still think Colin Kaepernick should keep quiet, or claim they ‘believe in his cause, but not the way he’s doing it’ are just as complicit in white supremacy as those people carrying swastikas in white power rallies. Or those ‘allies’ who claim they oppose

“No way you could say something like that in the media about Obama without backlash or trouble”

Reverend Wright, “my son would look like that,” secret Kenyan, all the terrible stuff they said about Michelle, etc.

Seriously? They said and gave platforms to people that said terrible shit about Obama constantly.

She got in trouble because she said explicitly what she and many others on the network have said implicitly. If anything, the fact that she hasn’t been fired confirms that ESPN does lean left. See also: all of their content.

Calling someone a white supremacist simply because they embolden and espouse white supremacist ideals is like calling someone a pedophile simply because they sexually molest children.

I love the “What if I said the same thing about Obama?” crowd.

This shit right here is so fucking stupid. If you think racism is dead, police across the country do a fantastic job and definitely don’t target people, or that voter suppression is an issue we still face today, then you’re a white supremacist. Not because you necessarily believe the white race is superior, but

I don’t understand why people are happy to spend $150 a month on television but i find it unfathomable to spend $45 on a device that you use more than any other, and that replaces your camera, gps, and music player.

The crack epidemic was all about solving the scourge of the imaginary “crack babies”. They didn’t even pretend to care about the crack addicts because they weren’t white enough.

Ahhhh, the “opioid epidemic.” White people get hand-wringing concern and insistence that the government help them.

Let’s not forget that the First Lady also stopped online bullying.

what makes you think he won’t?

His high school had exactly one black person:

It’s like Bill O’Reilly complaining about “media” all the time. Um, honey? You know you are on the TV, right?

There is nothing more elite than pretending to not be elite. Revelling in your eliteness is for strivers.