
I knowwwwwww... I feel torn too. This feels like the kind of thing they would take the opportunity to exploit. I don’t know what to think. CoS would go that low.

I don’t want to get into the business of questioning accusers’ stories (as has been happening since time immemorial).


I think they get upset because it’s usually in the context of calling people out for shit they’re also guilty of.

in my experience, the people who take offense to being called “white people” are the same white-ass people who ask why Black folk get to say the n-word while they cant (yet...still do)

i went looking for the t-shirt i used to have but think i liked this a bit more...

I mean a nation with a higher standard of living, higher education levels, longer lives and a less corrupt government would want to slum it by going to the US?

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”

“...or corporate whores who don’t even pretend to be for the people...”

I would say they have accomplished what they set out to do(further enrich themselves) and now they are going home to enjoy the fruits of their efforts(while the rest of us pay for their sins).

we should also respect the decisions of women who choose to stare down this nastiness with compassion. There’s nothing wrong with what she did.

“Shortly after we realized the suspect was an officer, we also realized that the fake teen we posed as was actually black and therefore decided that he should not be charged because he feared for his life.”

Well that’s a big pile of bullshit. Tell it to anyone who has lived through an oppressive, murderous regime - find a Cambodian refuge, or maybe a child soldier. See if you can convince them that if they only loved their oppressors, everything would have been fine.

Couple things. First, no one has the time and resources to rescue trolls. None of us can finance and find a medical specialist for someone who is uninsured. I doubt this story would have mattered if she had said “that sucks” and didn’t reward him.

I’m having a little cry having read their communication unfold. Her empathy and compassion and willingness to reach out is really moving but.....mindlessly calling a woman on Twitter a “cunt”? I appreciate SS took the time out to delve deep into his psyche and found someone in pain but lots of people are in pain. Lots

Even as a cop, this charge is going to be tough to beat.

The worst part is that they’ll say that he was a criminal for driving without his license.

So I’ve spent a lot of time thinking that President Pence would be just as bad, because at least Trump is incompetent, but I think I would still prefer it. I think one of the bigger dangers of Trump is the institutional damage he does. So at least Pence won’t wonder why he can’t have the DOJ investigate his enemies,

I have gotten to the point where I’m not sure if I even want to know the truth anymore. It’s not going to permanently take away the support of the Republican party and it’s not going to unify the Democratic Party into a capable force. Maybe, the outrage might help weaken the Republicans, next year, but we still have