
Best comment ever. Well fucking said.

Legal protections don’t apply to Black people.

But it’s obviously it is extremely close to her name, and basically uses the same font and colors as her self-titled album. Plus, the woman admitted that the beer was inspired by Beyoncé. Y’all just love to hate her.

It’s interesting how many Jezebel commenters are “allies” until a bunch of white women are caught singing the n-word. Now y’all sound like Trump supporters who think it’s okay to say that Black people are too sensitive and think they have the right to police how Black people feel/act.

Your party elected Donald Trump, and we’re the terrible people? Okay, girl.

The number of people justifying paying prisoners $1/day for being firefighters because they get some fresh air and a slightly better meal is surprising, and honestly appalling. This just goes to show how dehumanized prisoners are (even by people in these comments) and precisely why America can get away with exploiting

It seems like there is some new bullshit every hour. I think I speak for all POC and marginalized people when I say we are just fucking tired, and it hasn’t even been a year of this nightmare.

I agree. In fact, that’s exactly why I was said “this is more proof of his racism and blatant disregard for Black and Brown people”. And I don’t care about Bush’s ignorance. His response to Katrina was also because he didn’t give a fuck about Black people. Something tells me if Katrina had impacted middle class

This is just George W. Bush/Hurricane Katrina levels of fuckery. I’m kind of concerned that he won’t be remembered for his overwhelmingly shitty response to this like Bush is remembered for Katrina. Trump’s poor handling of EVERYTHING seems like it will overshadow this, and this needs to be remembered as more proof of

I’m assuming this was meant for Tekl because I didn’t say or even imply that I was okay violence.

You sound like a sociopath. Disgusting. Goodbye, troll.

Meanwhile, white people have violently colonized the entire planet and tried to decimate entire populations. GTFOH, troll.

He wasn’t making any damn sense up there trying to defend this nonsense. Between this and the GOP officials who said they are against paying people a living wage, it’s just clear and plain as day that many of these Republicans are the most inhumane, terrible, and callous people. They have no place in government.

Thank you for this perfect summation. Saving this.

Criticizing White people is not inherently racist. It seems like most White people don’t get this.

Yea God forbid a Black woman show any emotion or annoyance after a not so great breakup.

Yet another example that proves racism is just as rife among young people. Folks need to stop saying that “we just need to wait for all the old racists to die out”. Newsflash: Those old assholes had plenty of racist kids to replace them.

Stop infantilizing White racist teenagers. There are plenty of people their age who are not racist AF, and frankly, they are old enough to know better. Just because we all know 45 is racist as hell doesn’t mean we should go on about life, ignore stuff like this, and further normalize disgusting racist behavior.

Well said. The Democratic should hire you.

We really need to stop peddling the false narrative that most racists are old and dying out. These old racist assholes are having kids who are just as racist and shitty as them (see: 8 year old biracial boy who barely survived being lynched in NH by white teenagers, Twitter, the 2016 Presidential election).