Love her. Angela Rye can do no wrong. And let’s not forget this gift she gave us when she called out Omarosa.
Love her. Angela Rye can do no wrong. And let’s not forget this gift she gave us when she called out Omarosa.
Which further proves the previous commenter’s point. It’s worse when someone you once trusted enough to send nudes intentionally leaks them and breaches that trust. That is a form of abuse. All of its bad but it’s seems ridiculous to imply that someone whose ex leaks their nudes doesn’t deserve as much sympathy as…
You sound like an asshole. People like you are actually in charge of making hiring decisions that contribute to structural racism and other problems. Someone’s name (which they have no control over) should not be grounds for judging whether or not you think they are a worthy of employment or anything else. And YOU…
Thanks to whoever here recommend “The Brainwashing of my Dad” documentary. My first thought was “who the fuck keeps voting for these people?!” But that documentary really helps you see how brainwashed these folks are. Not that I feel sorry for any of them, but it limits the amount of mental gymnastics I have to do to…
Exactly. And no need to qualify it either. If it’s not “loving and welcoming” to everyone, it ain’t “loving and welcoming” at all.
I think thats a thought every self aware person over 25 has pretty frequently. Lol
It’s African American slang.
I agree. Not thinking of The Color Purple doesn’t make her racist. However, I think this does speak to a larger issue - the erasure of Black women and women of color in general. A lot of time when White women say “women” it is implied that they are referring to White women. See: history of American women’s movements.
The problem is that Tinashe BENEFITS from colorism. She should have never brought up colorism in this conversation at all, and she made it worse trying to act indignant about not feeling accepted or supported by Black people. That’s the issue folk have with her tone deaf comments.
I really wish people would stop this mess. Don’t use the n-word in any context! White people, it is NOT your word to use in ANY CONTEXT. Stop these pointless conversations about it. Period. UGH
First of all, your friend is an asshole.
I’m 100% sure a white person wrote this comment.
I am like 99% sure a white person wrote this comment.
Classic case of “let’s blame the Black guy”.
Thank you! I am surprised by the number of people trying to blame this 15 year old rather than the adult pervert.
I’m pretty sure the rape allegations are what Kandi is most upset about. She even said it in the trailer.
You do realize you can just keep scrolling past these posts, right?
This really is an all new low. *sigh*
He doesn’t even go here. 😒
After seeing those numbers come in for white voters who voted for Trump, I (and all the people of color I know) are pretty much walking around with an added layer of distrust and contempt for all white people because we know the majority of white voters supported him. Even if we are wrong about a particular white…