Wolverine DoppelShane

Does it, though?

Wait, you need a journalism degree to write for Salon?

It's well worth your time, because to add icing on the cake, Miller and Purcell play criminal masterminds in cahoots, and ham it up in opposite ways that are equally delightful.

No, you missed that The Flash is a Prison Break reunion. Miller and Purcell's characters are being brought in from there, plus Robert Knepper's been on there too (and on Arrow).

That someone got accidentally artificially inseminated? Because every other aspect of that gets dealt with. The lawsuit part, the losing the licence part, and the abortion or not part. Hell, the "pregnant virgin" part also gets dealt with.

I'm fascinated by the idea that you dug Selfie but are uninterested in Jane The Virgin.

You're not Weird Al, but that's a pretty good role model to aspire to, Internet.

I mean, the students are basically unpaid labour at this point, considering how much the school's profiting off them without paying anything. If this is the best they can do, maybe it's time to blow the whole thing up.

Well, like Oliver says in the video, they're already finding ways to spend the millions they get to appear as a nonprofit. Instead of paying the coaches seven figures, they could easily pay them six figures and distribute the rest among the athletes, just for starters.

Oh, I'm familiar with Rick Springfield's seminal classic. It was required listening for my high school music class.

Don't we all, @avclub-66c24524c943f660a6d2deff9a67d477:disqus. Don't we all.

Didn't Aaron Paul already play him?


Dude, he's been a major part of the show since the pilot, where have you been?

He was a key part of Black Mirror's Christmas special.

Yes, Ice T, you're going to have to get used to this, you're part of the Central City SVU squad now.

My cousin watched Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, now she walks the streets selling drugs.

Going from Don Draper to the Reverend really feels like a logical career progression for Hamm.

Speak for yourself, that's the main reason I go to the museum. Why else would I go?

I've honestly wondered why there isn't a more concerted effort towards that, especially with Dragon's Den. I mean, Shark Tank is a hit with two Canadians on the panel, why not try to hook viewers in with the original flavour version?