Wolverine DoppelShane

Now do it for Sense8.

I think the idea that Will and Riley are the new Jonas and Angelique isn't far off the mark. I bet Riley's the one who'll give birth to the next group of sensates.

You joke, but there's some really morally bad choices that Gale makes, and not in relation to Katniss, that isn't necessarily what one would expect.

I'd be down for that. I also hope this means one of the LoT seasons ends up focusing on the Arrow-verse Suicide Squad. Maybe bring back Deadshot and add Slade to the team.

They really should sign on Jessica De Gouw as a series regular for atleast a season. The way they've set up her story has a lot of potential, since she wants to fight bad guys for the "wrong" reasons. I mean, if Laurel's competent enough to join the vigilante team, Huntress definitely is.

I actually think Laurel Canary was one of the things Season 3 got right, not only because it was leaps and bounds better than the "I'm an alcoholic after my sort-of boyfriend died because we couldn't be bothered to digitise our files" storyline Laurel had in season 2, but also because they didn't even try to pretend

Seriously. At first I thought "Yay, Celina Jade!" And then at the end of the storyline, I thought, "Well, that's a thing that happened and filled a fair amount of time."

The amazon ads that pop up for me suggest otherwise.

You should send this blurb to Fox News in lieu of a resume. I think you might just have a job locked down there.

Whatever could you mean? That flashback with Shado's twin was super-important!

Not just you.

I'm 90% sure this'll end up going to Helen Mirren, given the action-comedy nature of the film.

Even Viola Davis has mortgage payments to make.

Yeah, I'd say it's more of the latter.

I presume you're familiar with her failed kickstarter and the story behind it?

Well, I guess this breaks the streak of quality that "show that begins with the main character assuming the identity of someone who died in front of them" had (Banshee and Orphan Black). We were so close to the trifecta too.

I mean, is it problematic if she's Kamala Khan? It's cosplay, people genderbend and racebend cosplay all the time. It's not appropriation of any kind in this instance.

That sounds like a rational line of thought. Trump hasn't had a rational line of thought since 1962.

Sounds like the role Kris Kristofferson was born to play.

Ehh, what's one more crime?