Wolverine DoppelShane

Dammit. Well, as long as Punisher's sidekick is more Wesley and less Foggy, I'll live, I suppose.

You actually enjoyed Foggy? I found the character and all his associated storylines a black hole in the season, and was massively thankful when Karen managed to break free of his orbit and find her own infinitely more interesting storyline.

You're thinking of Fisk and Wesley.

Is it too much to hope that the season begins with Punisher shooting and killing Foggy?

Is it too much to hope that the season begins with Punisher shooting and killing Foggy?

Well, Ethan mentions in the first episode that protecting the President isn't the only thing the Secret Service does.

I'm morbidly fascinated in the idea of taking the concept of this music video, which is basically 2 minutes of cameos, and stretching it into a movie. Just 90 minutes of recognisable people popping in and out with only the flimsiest pretence of a story.

You don't need us to tell you the internet is a horrible place for women.

It's got layers!

Like the part where they overwork underpaid employees until they literally keel over and die?


Do they, though?

I mean, Swift is about, what, 25 now? In media terms, that's middle age.

It's about ethics in music royalties.

It's like you're trying to depress me.

Turning off your computer and going outside? But that's even worse!

Goddammit world, now you're going to make me choose between Apple and Taylor Swift?

Not necessarily. iZombie managed to be more than that.

Interestingly, Anupam Kher's name doesn't appear in every episode's opening credit, but when it does, it's right alongside the main cast.

That is true. It's kind of an alternate universe version of Nomi's story.