Wolverine DoppelShane

Well, that's encouraging. Fingers crossed it leads to some more quality Canadian programming.

" less reruns on TV like say the same Just for Laughs episode 3 times a day or 3 hours of Till Debt Do Us Part."

They DO have their own schools!

Calling Bell/Rogers' cable & internet packages useless and overpriced is an affront to all useless and overpriced things. There should be a new word invented for how badly they screw people over with those packages, especially in smaller communities across the country where people have no third option.

Well, the television regulation rules are basically made to favour Bell and Rogers, and not to make everything fair, so I'm on Netflix's side on this one.

They're actually anti-dentites.

Well, she did get a bra that fit right.

Yeah, but don't only 1% of women ever find a bra that fits right? Doesn't that end result make it positive?

A lot of people got that vibe at various points through the season, so you're not alone. For me, it happened in the dinner party episode.

I loved that because it showed that Kimmy had had positive experiences with people in vans before, only adding to the absurdity that she'd excitedly go with the liquor pervert.

It wasn't even rescinding, she voluntarily withdrew herself before nominations even came out because she thought the writing for her character had been shitty.

That's how it's pronounced, but the inverted i and y is how it's spelled.

Upvoted for recognising the superb convenience of e-books.

I had the same thought.

Username/comment discordance.

Don't you mean The Slap: Dax Ass?

Yes, although the more traditional translation is "directed by Ron Howard".

I'm grading on a curve here. As something fascinating and informative, it sure beats "Dude sings Uptown Funk in cartoon voices" and "someone poorly dubbed the 50 Shades of Grey trailer over Leia and Jabba the Hutt"

A Great Job, Internet that's actually a Great Job, Internet? I'm confused and scared.

How dare you slander the name of Mona-Lisa Saperstein. According to her father, she's never done anything wrong, ever.