Wolverine DoppelShane

He was also on 30 Rock.

*Garfunkel and Oates goes into hiding*

Hey, we're in the same boat re: Breaking Bad and this show.

A pale imitation is a term I use to refer to a lesser version of something, an alternative to "poor man's version". Is that not something you've heard before?

Less entertaining onstage, less substance to her songs, less daring in her fashion choices, and less vocal talent.

I think you're mistaken. Kanye's not married to Ray J. Nor is he married to Tommy Lee.

Nobody really cares about Kim Kardashian's sexual history. If that's something you have an opinion on, you need to maybe re-assess your priorities.

Back in my day, a crush meant more than just physical attraction, dammit!

Everyone who's listened to Tina Turner, Whitney Houston, or Janelle Monae, all of whom Beyonce is a pale imitation of.

Am I the only person getting the impression now that he's got a massive schoolboy-ish crush on Beyonce?

"Sorry! The content provider has not given us the rights to play this video in your location."

Shirley you mean Life on Mars.

This puts a real damper in my tv show proposal "Buy a condo with Wilmer Valdermondo".

Not thematically half as deep, probably.

I really wish I was.

Does me wearing a Matt Bomer mask qualify?

People said the same thing about my sex tape, surprisingly enough.

I think Gotham is an entertaining comic book noir show that is bogged down by its associations with Batman. It needs to be seen outside those lenses to be properly appreciated.

Well, I think they get around that by having them be mostly local heroes. It's not like either one is travelling the world stopping crime.

Very true. Fingers crossed that it does happen.