Wolverine DoppelShane

If you think bullying doesn't involve large doses of threats, then congratulations, you've never been bullied. What does that feel like?

When Anita Sarkeesian was being cyber-bullied, people sent her emails with death threats and her home address, so I'd say the mistake is thinking cyber-bullying is any different from bullying.

It's a thing. Atleast, there's enough examples of it for it to be a thing.

Yes, but when Supernatural is on its game, it's pretty great. But a lot of the show being on its game revolves around humour, rather than a 24/7 grimdark tone. I can't even begin to imagine a Supernatural without the trickster, Dean's love of classic rock, and Castiel's confusion about human behaviour.

I am going to have to check that out.

Super-serious Supernatural? I'm not sure that's the best idea.

What, the conceit of "Ben Linus helps Jesus save people" wasn't enough for you?

That's absolutely a fascinating question. I was thinking more along the lines of a child molester being murdered by a victim of his, and the precog recognising the relationship between the two and allowing it to happen. Given how badly Almost Human wasted its premise to make a futuristic cop procedural, every

It wasn't that they were weak, it's that Agatha was the strongest of the trio.

At the expense of ruining a good joke, the precogs should be able to see the murder before it happens. On the other hand, a precog who decides to selectively stop murders and let other ones go ahead is a fascinating idea, and one I'm sure this show won't touch with a ten-foot pole (though I'd love to be proven wrong).

Having spent significant parts of my life where Pizza Hut was literally the only pizza joint in town, I feel you on that last part.


Well, yeah, but then you get into the differences between "favourite pizza" and "favourite food". Besides, if all the pizza you've ever eaten is either Pizza Hut or Domino's, there's no reason to think that they do taste bad.

Well, unless you live in a place where your only pizza options are Pizza Hut and Domino's. Which may not be anywhere in North America, but could describe plenty of places around the world.

"Makes me wonder how they heard about Palmer in the books, then."

She's not, you're right. Setrakian also doesn't make the coffin in the books.


Kevin Durand makes everything better.


Yeah, but Rachel McAdams is an even better selection, because she's a very capable actress who hasn't been given a role like Peggy Olsen or Robin to really dazzle people lately.