
GM, late to the party with a weak-sauce focus-group-designed product driven by a misguided marketing department? Never happen. 

They were driving red, white, and blue Corvettes; What could be more American?

One can only wonder what brand of alcohol they were drinking. Maybe it’s all just viral marketing...

BOEING... was *still building* those death buckets??? JFC.

A Tacoma is going to haul your full size tractor?

I wish all the electric manufacturers well, but I really don’t see anyone putting down a $1,000.00 on this vs $100 on the just-introduced Tesla or a Rivian. Change my mind? 

If anyone wondered if Elon Musk attends Burning Man, well, there you go. 

The only thing sweeter sounding at the moment is the sound of exploding heads in the ‘pushrod-is-better’ crowd.

They need to test the studded tires after about 1500 miles of driving. Once the studs are no longer new, their ice performance suffers. 

I fault Uber for ordering a worse-than-drunk (multitasking) driver to perform non-driving tasks while driving, while simultaneously beta testing shitty code with the Volvo safety systems knowingly deactivated.

There are crosswalks all over the US where humans have the right of way (dozens in my little town in Wyoming) and the same vehicle would have mowed people down in every one of them.

The fact that they told the driver to multitask is egregious. They may as well have insisted the driver be drunk - it would be safer than distracted driving.

If you suddenly rolled out and replaced all vehicles with autonomous vehicles that can’t even react to pedestrians in the dark, I sincerely doubt you would have done anything but murder thousands more people than are already being killed in vehicle accidents. You are conflating the impacts of a handful of autonomous

On what fucking planet should they be allowed to continue testing flawed autonomous vehicles on public roads without dedicated drivers? AYFKM?

Imagine how much fucking cleaner our world would be! But hey, who needs fish when we have plastic grocery bags and six pack holders, amirite?

If an autonomous car kills my wife or son riding their bikes down the road when a driver would have reasonably easily avoided the accident, there will be hell to pay, the same as if a human did it. Because however removed the humans might be, a human is always to blame, whether because of faulty design, build, or

They need to have MILLIONS of miles on these systems before they allow the cars out in public, and they need a dedicated, undistracted driver in every car.

I lost my ‘approved’ non-grayed out ‘commentor status’ for suggesting that anyone but the victim of an autonomous crash was to blame. The commenters and author could not comprehend how a corporation or software programmers could possibly be held accountable, regardless of the circumstances. Seems to still be the

Honda Element is the obvious answer...

An older Nissan Xterra with a manual transmission and 4x4, or an older Pathfinder. Less pricey than similar Toyotas, more reliable than similar Jeeps.