I’m stumped how he managed to get that out of control in that sort of area. He really should find the local branch of some racing school.
I don’t get why they act like this would be all that hard.
Most if not all of what I’ve seen come up on the free channel recently was stuff I had seen months ago on the paid channel when I still had a subscription.
That said, it’s amazing how cars these days make 70-80mph feel like a non-event. Even cars in the 80s made driving 80 feel like a suicide mission
Unfortunately this is literally the most disappointing road ever.
2.5" drives should fit in an N64 cart if I’m remembering correctly. You could easily put a SSD in there.
I’ve always been of the opinion that the crime is underusing a car, not overusing it. If you just park it, that’s lame, but if you go beyond what it was ever intended to do that’s usually awesome, as long as you don’t put innocent people at risk by doing whatever it is you’re doing.
The Jeep also had a low range.
I’ve only changed a sealed beam once, helping my dad on our ‘90 Aerostar when I was six or seven, and while I don’t recall it being a major pain in the ass I still remember it taking some amount of time.
then most people would still have to spend another $1,000+ on the PC to run the Vive/OR.
Interestingly enough, John added that a security guard on site said Block was only allowed to do 20 mph during the shoot.
I’ll gladly agree that electrification doesn’t inherently harm the driving experience. It changes it of course, you lose most of the audible excitement but that gets traded for piles of torque and the kind of “throttle” response that exploding dino juice only dreams of.
Open the image in a new tab, Kinja’s zoom is stupid.
I made a flowchart for looking at phones from a rooting/AOSP perspective:
Exactly one reason has stopped me from getting a Nexus for the last few generations:
I just looked up your weather, and now I’m a bit annoyed I didn’t consider a job offer in Philly a while ago. I’m a bit outside of Cleveland’s “snow belt” so I get frigid cold but a lot less snow than I’d really like. I get a lot less opportunity than I’d like to mess around on snowy streets.
Doug, I think you may have missed the point about the winter tires. I don’t know how much it actually does snow in Philly, but I have a really hard time believing it’s that much different anywhere in Pennsylvania from what we get here in Ohio.
A South American market truck platform from the ‘80s and ‘90s.
Agreed. I was looking for a reliable and practical vehicle in 2013, so I checked out all the toastermobiles on the market. Unfortunately Honda had killed the Element and I was looking for a lease, so that was out of the picture.