Bandit King Z

Unless they’re made by Nintendo. They seem to have their act together, or they completely deny anything is wrong and never fix it.

Also, stop buying games at lunch. You just end up coming home with Burgertime, Cooking Mama and Candy Crush.

Isn’t it “Stop preordering games.” ?
If this escalated to “Stop buying games at launch.” we will soon enter the phase of “Stop buying games.” :(

Why are you showing actual footage of a typical driving day in New Jersey on a gaming website?

I’m not really claiming that it’s a rational viewpoint, I’m certainly one to buy into merchandising occasionally too.

Oh good. I hate people who do not understand that it’s less to do with the stock of the weapon than what it’s capable of doing, the type of ammunition it is intended to fire, and the ease with which it can be modified to military standards.

But let’s keep on oversimplifying the debate for the sake of infatilizing

I’ve not the first problem with personal firearm ownership for home defense, hunting, or target shooting (note: none of these pursuits require assault weapon ownership; I have a huge issue with assault weapons as a whole).

I do, however, have a serious issue with defining an entire nation through firearm ownership.

Back in my day we appreciated usability improvements.

Well hello Mr.Fancy pants....Aren’t you fucking special...Back in the day was TWO DIMENSIONAL, kinda hard to get turned around in 2d unless your retarded, not an entire cave system in THREE DIMENSIONS that all looks the same, but please feel free like a fucking moron to act like you would never get turned around in

Much of this was said for the beginnings of League of Legends too, which is the platform on which Capcom is emulating in terms of development. The true value of the game is going to be seen 6 months to a year from this release. I consider this 3-4 month stretch as an open beta for those who pre-ordered the game.

I rewatched the fight, and there were A LOT of mistakes by Daigo, which looked like something an intermediate player would do. He improperly punishes a whiffed DP with a fireball, but also misses it. He repeatedly eats random and wake up DPs. There was a lack of anti-airs on jump-ins and really sloppy blocking

Man, the sub-reddit went nuts with this issue.

huh? There was no additional crowdfunding for the game. They DID release the first half before the second, and used money from those sales to help with dev costs, but no one was ever double charged or anything along those lines (everyone that did kickstarter got the whole thing, everyone that bought part 1 received

I’m not really sure what your objection is here? Recycling assets was a planned move, done to cut costs, as creating original assets is prohibitively expensive and time consuming. Which would support the idea that they were financially prudent in managing their game? I’m also not sure what you mean by no semblance of

It might be handling of expectations that has hurt him the most. Despite being made by Double Fine, I paid no attention to everything surrounding Broken Age, so that when it was released on my gaming platform of choice, I played it and thoroughly enjoyed myself? You bet!

As someone who *gasps* waits to buy his games, I’m still a fan of Schafer. He’s responsible for some of my favorite game moments growing up. I do wish Double Fine was more self-sufficient.

Nah. This book doesn't have my secret - blackmail on Stephen Totilo.