Bandit King Z

See now THIS looks interesting.

This looks cool and I’ll be the first to rant and rave about how great Undertale is, but I feel like this is.... too soon? Just a rando opinion.

I feel like they tried numerous times but their fucked community has been so “[insert whatever new champ] IS OP AND THUS BROKEN!!!BAW BAW BAW!!” That they just said fuck it.

Egads I nearly faint at the thought! Dreadful! Most Dreadful!

This response is perfect. Just... *sniffs* perfect

Calls today’s society “modern” and “free” but in the same breath is aggressively belittling the idea of a women-only nerd space. LOL.... ok.

nah tho

Dude was a major player in Rockstar Games for the past 15 years and just finished GTAV. I mean... It’s not unreasonable to take a year and some change off.

His first appearance was in Silent Hill 2 wasn’t it?

I and my entire gaming crew still play but in bursts. The main appeal for us is having characters in the DC universe and the story arcs (expansions). But again... in bursts.

The Playstation Blog comments are the woooooorst. Such entitlement, much misplaced fury. Many alleged game developers commenting. Wow.

By dog law, all those games and accessories are now his.

Absolutely gutted... Just.... Fuck man...

LOL fair point.

Have you tried invoking the spirit of Kevin Butler?

Kevin Butler would never have let this happen.

And developing more games for PS Move. *Gutteral man sobs*

FO4 Is offline singleplayer. It in no way tries to connect to anything. Ever.

This is totally where Bungie comes to collect prayers.

“Read somewhere” also isn’t an official or even reliable source lol.