
Oh, thanks Google:


Is that a tailhook on an F-15?

Makes perfect sense. Filling your car with rubbish means you evenly distribute the load of any impact onto the trash.

CFTs? I thought those don’t drop...?

Took the Northeast Regional Amtrak past Warfield ANG yesterday afternoon. I don’t care what people say, this is one of the most beautiful planes ever made.

Legitimately sad to be missing this. Out of town. Consider this post my “please do this again!”

England did it first.

Dual status for the Canadian Avrow Arrow and the British TSR-2. Both groundbreaking planes that were axed for the same political reason: the Americans promised something better and cheaper that ended up being neither better nor cheaper.

I’ve seen this before!


God I love the KC-135 elephant walk photo. I’ve always found the KC-135 and the B-52 to be two of the best looking aircraft in the fleet— not because they’re streamlined or sexy but because they have a job, do the job, and DO NOTHING ELSE. Function makes form look good.

A Mig-21 with a fake radome looks shockingly like a JF-17. Well, at least until you start thinking about F-16s.

I bet Force India feels pretty stupid for not thinking this up right about now...

I'm an American, my family is from St. Louis where they originally built the YF-17 and the F-18, and I have never loved a hornet like I love the CF-188.

I can’t believe I just read an entire article about the third row of seats in a car I will never own.

I'm so tempted to say "yes, but it was faster", but then I'm one of those people I hate. Oh, absolutely, and the B-57 (as opposed to the EE Canberra) was and is a far more useful plane. Still, those looks.

Americans are very good at taking beautiful British designs and adding very useful but totally bulbous canopies to them. I'm talking about the AV-8a/b and the Canberra/B-57