
I was hoping this article would include an actual answer to “why” one doesn’t open a radiator cap when it is boiling....I can always use more Ideal Gas Law in my life. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideal_gas_law

Thank you for providing the thoughtful, well-researched, exact kind of content my Motorsport Prime subscription bends over backwards to not write.

It’s genuinely frustrating to read these, so thanks for sharing. It’s a shame that you all have to deal with this bullshit while putting out great content to which I am genuinely addicted. 


This isn’t so pedantic and I don’t even work at NRDC anymore, but it is the “Natural” not “National” Resources Defense Council. If I want to go full on pedant I’d also say that people call it “NRDC” and not “the NRDC” but honestly that’s a bit far for me.

I don’t believe that shark fin is going to make it to the final version. They’re making the point that it’s a F1 car for the road so they’re making it look like their F1 car, but shark fins are already banned for next year.

The GameBoy Pocket of Lambos:

This feels a bit like saying “well the kid went to private schools his entire life so I shouldn’t make him shovel the walk.” Privilege is insidious enough as is without it being applied to cars, which, sorry, don’t have feelings.

I have to check when I’m back in the City but I’m pretty sure there is one at San Francisco Toyota on Geary. Happy to go peep the odometer this weekend if you want.

Try “Auto Union Arteon”

I came here to post a photo of my 2013 Impreza’s engine bay. 100% Agreed.


This feels like time to buy a Subaru XV

Yes, but it is less specifically to keep me in a speed range and more a part of the larger category “driving stick makes you pay better attention to your car and also the road”

I affectionately named the steel-framed fixed gear bike I commuted on in New York my Valkyrie some years ago as I felt she had a strong say in whether I lived or died. Fits here as well, and certainly brings a bit of macabre to the machine.

Someone who knew they wouldn’t be on a podium this year.

You’re my hero for making a thoughtful, coherent, and emotionally resonating argument... then quoting Project Pat.

I love watching MCM because they make lots of different DIY car things accessible—from fairly big at-home things like replacing coil packs and changing timing to small stuff like making sure you paint every hole you drill. None of that involves me opening an arbitrary crate with a big-block V8 I had lying around.

I had to google your car’s name, thinking it might be someone I missed from the Poetic Edda, but I’m glad to be wrong. What a beautiful and excellent name for a car presumably living outside Germany.

Yep, you’re right. Thanks for that!