This tugs at the feels. Happy to see the proud beast get a second chance, even if that chance is to be a highly effective killing platform.
The Eurofighter, while an incredible machine, will never be sexy like the Mig-29.
With a paint job and an interior like that I'm sure the suspension has gotten significant side-to-side use, even with the low milage.
Good on you to not link to this in the article about today's crash.
Excuse my pants tent.
This so isn't as good as Top Gear.
Ah, gotcha. I misunderstood the modernization to fly until 2025 as a much longer delay on the procurement process.
As you commented in your past article, doesn't this mean that they will eventually have no choice but to buy the F-35, since the Super Hornet production line will be done by 2020?
New Years 2012/2013: A drunk woman on the subway falls down, and instinctively I reach down to help pick her up. She barfs on me. Taking pity on me and my recently barfed-command role in the situation, a group of strangers helps me (covered in barf) carry barf lady off the train. We call 911, and also flag down a…
When you burn down an F-16 it really starts to look like a Mig-21