
I feel like the most amazing thing about this plane is not that it existed in the first place, but that it sat rusting in a field at Antonov for 8 years between its debut as a Buran carrier and its entry into the outsized cargo world.

This tugs at the feels. Happy to see the proud beast get a second chance, even if that chance is to be a highly effective killing platform.

Patrouille Suisse are the only folks that (in my mind) give the Polish Fulcrums a run for their money paint-wise

No photos of him utilizing a helicopter?

The Eurofighter, while an incredible machine, will never be sexy like the Mig-29.


With a paint job and an interior like that I'm sure the suspension has gotten significant side-to-side use, even with the low milage.

Good on you to not link to this in the article about today's crash.

Excuse my pants tent.

I was confused so I did some reading. It is really cool.

Would have made a lot more sense than our MRAP Rhino friends in the new Hunger Games movie.

Eurofighter ain't got time for the knockoff.

I call it Senior Peg.

The best pushback tug: the one they re-skinned to be the troop transport for the Aliens movie.

Ah, gotcha. I misunderstood the modernization to fly until 2025 as a much longer delay on the procurement process.

As you commented in your past article, doesn't this mean that they will eventually have no choice but to buy the F-35, since the Super Hornet production line will be done by 2020?

Despite the death I swoon hard whenever I look at this plane. By far the prettiest passenger plane I have ever seen.

New Years 2012/2013: A drunk woman on the subway falls down, and instinctively I reach down to help pick her up. She barfs on me. Taking pity on me and my recently barfed-command role in the situation, a group of strangers helps me (covered in barf) carry barf lady off the train. We call 911, and also flag down a

When you burn down an F-16 it really starts to look like a Mig-21