Personally, I wonder about the mental stability of someone who watches "all those hoarder shows" while hating them.
Personally, I wonder about the mental stability of someone who watches "all those hoarder shows" while hating them.
I agree with all of the above. I, too, was reminded of Richard Davis.
Yes! Hardcore fans travel across the country to break into Skywalker Ranch and see a rough cut of Empire Strikes Back before one dies.
I am in complete agreement about anthropomorphizing cancer. I hate it. Always did. Long before I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. (Latest test suggest that they got it all.)
I have to agree. Drug use is not even in the same league as murder.
Most of the crap results from physical limitations on the built-in speaker. If you inductively pick up the signal, you can amplify and reproduce it without so much distortion.
Not really funny. The gadget seems to take in sound two ways. Inductive pickup for a phone sitting on top. Or direct input for other gadgets.
Yes, the telephone pickup was called an induction coil. Some had a suction cup to attach to the earpiece. Others were rectangular pads to be slipped under the phone base.
No, it is probably an induction coil, so they are picking up the electromagnetic field that is generated trying to drive the speaker, but without the physical limitations of a tiny speaker cone.
I was not arguing that Hep-C is slow. I used rabies as an example of slow because the vaccine is used as part of post-exposure treatment.
That is ultraviolet light. The cement is a form of plastic and the UV causes it to polymerize.
I certainly agree that a vaccine is not necessarily a cure. Unless the virus is so slow in doing damage that the vaccine can get there first and keep the infection from doing too much damage. Rabies is an example. []
Sorry to hear about your friend. Hep C is on the rise, especially in baby boomers who may have been infected decades ago when experimenting with drugs. The death rate now exceeds HIV [],0,2087938.story
I would remove the soggy fries. The bun might disintegrate. I would cut the whole burger into several pieces and place them with rice gaps between.
That's probably because they also blended in the toy that came with the Happy Meal. :-)
Partially. They killed to earn their living ... and help out the Congolese.
That would explain my problem.
The value lost when melting down precision-machined parts is an excellent point. Just one thing...
Could have been a joke...