Wolfstone is informative

Did anybody hear something? No. Must have been the wind.

I don't know about arsenic, but strychnine is a stimulant. During Prohibition, it was sometimes mixed with bathtub gin to give it a "kick".

I agree with those who note that one of the references in the article is in poor taste, but I'll leave that to be hashed out on the thread started by Dacker.

I have no idea what you really meant by that, but I love it!

Giz has done some pieces on Absinth recently. Made it even the more strange that they didn't report on that flavor.

I think that individuals vary on how easily they pick up accents. And, as Serenada says, age is also a factor. Not to say that preference plays no factor - truly hating the sounds around you may insulate you from adopting it a little.

This is probably good general advice. Any local person hearing a stranger using a local accent is likely to think that they are being mocked. But there are mitigating factors...

Theoretically possible - some animals can see in light beyond the band that humans see. Turtles have cones sensitive to: red, green, blue, yellow, and ultraviolet. Marsupials have trichromatic vision, extending into the ultraviolet. So we know that animals can do it.

I had similar issues (plus I was instantly turned off by the heavy PRIME push).

Reproduction is a racial form of immortality, but not for the individual. I suspect that most individuals would like to live as long as possible, if their quality of life was good. Of course, at the level of the "selfish gene", individual organisms are just survival machines created by genes in their quest to

Any relation to Rasputin, the unkillable monk?

I agree that there is no proof, but I'll take a guess as to the thinking behind the statement...

Or perhaps a ringworld...

Do you mean Sharp, the BestBuy brand?

Agreed that the idea is ancient!

I'm sure that they will be quite tasty!

What?! Do you mean that it wasn't based on a true story?!

But not a straight-form-Egypt mummy. More of a mummy gone native in Texas. You know, a Bubba Hotep... :-)

There are some nice things about that model: tax storage used for pirated material and pay the copyright owners.

I'll take a guess...