But are you sure that we need a PSA about this scaly menace?
But are you sure that we need a PSA about this scaly menace?
"You're not crazy and you're not imagining things"
@John Tracy Lane III: Since these cells are harvested from the patient, nobody is against it.
@howman: That would be crazy!
@drewbert: Oh, sure you can!
@Bigbadbikernerd: For some odd reason, I read that as "I got a 32GB wifey version for $499."
@ArightDoom: nèe conebone69: I suspect that the improvment in functionality is what Apple wants to add, and the name/number is sculpted to match that. I really doubt that somebody says, "we have this kick-ass feature that we can't add now because it's an odd number!"
@kasika: Relax, friend!
@tomsomething: Wait for it. Wait for it...
@MaNiFeX: Busty hot girls, yeah - I'll add cheese to my Jacuzzi.
@TheTick247: Um. "cave" in French just means "cellar". Could be anyplace.
@mercury_marine: "Cheese! We'll go someplace where there's cheese!"
@Kimrod: Yeah, I have opted out before and the damned things still show up on my doorstep.
@ninjagin: "Xanadu"
@Arken: Cool!
@Arken: Out of curiosity, post the model when you get home. You have me interested now!
Why the hate for microwave ovens? It is just one of many ways to put heat energy into food.
@Arken: By battery unit, I mean the whole gray thing in your picture. The one in my Roomba is yellow. When it goes bad, the tabs on the side are used to remove it and you drop in another big box. All the cells in a single sealed module replaceable by end-user.
@MadEye: I forgot to change the battery in my sarcasm detector.