Wolfstone is informative

@snownpaint1: To me, "multiple casualties" could be "wounds 2-3 people", while "much worse" might mean "takes out everybody on that street corner."

@TareG: Except that this is time travel into the future. No causality violations there.

@TuxRug: The pin just holds the handle down. If you continue to hold the handle down, you can take the pin out and replace it all day.

@nclay1: That's why it's getting a processor upgrade - A5 system on a chip with dual processors and better GPU.

@Manly McBeeferton: Disney's Epcot park already has a robot Ben Franklin. It's in the American Adventure.

@freelancer1991: Private research funds, I don't care. Just don't tell me this was my tax money.

@knightvash: You're free to check out any time you want. Just don't take anybody with you who wants to stay.

@RacecarBoobTat: If Franklin were alive today, he would be incredibly frustrated that he's sealed in a heavy wooden box six feet under a big marble slab.

@redman042: Velociraptors! What could possibly go wrong?

@gouged: "The card needs to stick out a little in order to remove it with your fingers."

@sam4sb: No, most of the people in the U.S. who die from prostate cancer have testing and treatment available - they just don't use it.

@comm0: Perhaps not the longest ever, but I agree that it was fascinating. Maybe I better read it again!

@Paul_Is_Drunk: Yes, it was cross-posted. But poorly written is poorly written, no matter where it started.

@Captain K'nuckles: Wait for it. The average U.S. guy has one chance in six. Higher for African Americans. If you have a family history, your chances could be as high as 50:50.

@ManiacalShen: No, I'm pretty sure that bomb threats were a bad thing in the 90's, too.

@suburbancowboy: Is it really fair to compare an iPhone that is two years old?

@BoomingEchoes: I think that we need to ban this behind a flaming wall of geekdom because it isn't accurate.

@Canoehead: Don't forget storms and conditions that could prevent streaming when you need it most.