Wolfstone is informative

@Moonshadow Kati: "finding a partner who participates in instead of distracting from your favorite activities is awesome"

@SkyHawkMkIV: Yes, Nightmare was rereleased in 3D, but I suspect that was also post-converted, just done earlier with older technology.

@minibeardeath: Having been originally modeled in 3D would be good if the original data were preserved and the whole film could be re-rendered. Do you know that this is true?

@Chon: Perhaps you should try the Three Wolf Moon shirt instead?

@orangesrhyme: Automobiles, for one - catalytic converters use a lot of palladium.

@Demonbird: I can't cite a reference, but I have seen many a trailer for various movies that didn't look much like the final product. Some contained scenes that did not appear in the movie. Some contained early versions of effects.

The sequel is called "Backlash". I have them both on DVD. Good, weird fun!

@Demonbird: That trailer is from very early work. They have to rush out a trailer - often the real thing is much better, if it can survive bad buzz from a crude trailer.

@SweetMeatPete: There might be some workaround that I don't know - any help appreciated.

Amazon has a serious problem with its downloader.

@MarlboroTestMonkey7: Nah! The Pain Box doesn't kill you, the gom jabbar does ... if you are an animal.

No web page will be in Mandarin, really.

@Settings: And not very flexible. The linked page says it was made to pour one kind of drink.