Wolfstone is informative

"It's easy and profitable to harvest elements, though, and if they came across space, that very well might be what they were looking for."

@talarohk: Name isn't too catchy. But a name like iDork and an Apple logo will make it sell like hotcakes.

Another Chalker transformation novel?

@gamerjason88: Agreed! Your posting pointed out the difference - didn't depreciate the difference!

@FourOhOne: No. Strings of larger lamps are often parallel, with the benefit that you mentioned.

@HC: This is still a valid comments because larger size lamps are _still_ wired in parallel. In those configurations, one failed lamp does not kill the whole string.

@citabria30: Big lamps are usually wired in parallel rather than series. This article does not apply.

@Aerankas: Long strings are wired as multiple short strings. A string of 100 lamps is really two strings of 50. If one lamp goes out, that string of 50 is screwed, but the other string of 50 is fine, as are other strings plugged into the end.

@Boiiinng: A crummy commercial!

@alexander.cardosa: I hear you. Just handing over the cash isn't a guarantee that the perp will just walk away. The only way to insure your safety is to fight for it.

@ModernBawhair: Agreed! Just a case of bad priorities. :-(

@Mikestan: Nah. They took knives to an iPhone fight - clearly winners.

@ALCie: Why, yes. Yes, it is.

@bflorin: Not much UV when the box is closed.

@Niteman cometh: Let me rephrase that for you: "I want stuff and not have to pay for it."