Wolfstone is informative

@rev02: Some rock and mineral specimens are quite valuable. The Smithsonian's rock/mineral/gem collection includes the Hope Diamond.

@Anne Boleyn: And because people viewed the page in order to post comments clearly stating what a terrible piece of pseudo-journalism it is!

@Gruvnor: Down in the basement. Of mom's house.

@SKiTz: +1 for quoting that properly!

Bless them for raising money for prostate cancer research! Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among Canadian men. During an average week, 429 Canadian men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and 83 Canadian men will die of prostate cancer.

@thePrototype: I do it that way, with a special playlist called "Synch Songs".

@Mark 2000: But you are missing out of insightful political commentary! It's cutting-edge!

@TheUltra: Well, you have to go with what makes you comfortable. Don't come to the U.S.

@xido: Every time I see an Ask Giz, the questions are bizarre and the answers are funny and not practical. And helpful commentators rush in to offer better advice.

@Justin Hyde: I understand that driving the murdered woman's car isn't proof that he killed her or even was the one to initially take the car from her.

@Curves: Do you really believe that the questions and answers are sincere?

I only read the first page of comments, but didn't see anybody point out that a woman was killed (in a botched robbery) and the guy was busted for "driving a stolen vehicle".

@Purple Dave: Did this ever happen in Futurama?

@searching with my good eye closed: I was adding to your advice to red_alert360. You suggested that he kill his bro. I suggested that he should first grow a beard.

@tomsomething: I agree with your entire comment. But a debate is either between the two teams of the two faces. In this case, the rules clearly stated faces only and a team member jumped in anyway.

@Guy451: I agree that nobody should trust politicians nowadays. But the fact is that one of these squabbling children will be elected and make decisions that affect the lives of everyone in the state.

@phoomp: Ah! I was reacting to "and another pair to watch 3D TV at my friend's house". But "Now I can get $500 glasses" is clearly a price rant.