Wolfstone is informative

I have and use a lot of X10 equipment, but if you are interested I urge you do not buy from X10.com.

@telepheedian: "the French did win the French Revolution."

@Zanzan42: I have a better and more immediate solution for Woozle Wozzle. He doesn't even have to make the medical discovery himself.

Has the resolution of makerbots improved recently? Both the bunny and the bust appear quite sharp.

@moonshadowkati: No time to red yur coment. Gotta go to Starbucks.

@TheNr24: "just eat them right away, the minute you buy them"

@Mockingjay: "Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask why climb the highest mountain. Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas?"

@zenneth: It looks like the actual prosthesis is the big toe in the foreground. The rest of the actual human foot shows how it is held in place.

@Samurai I-am-awry: Look closely - it's even more convenient that that. The hand screws in. Below it is a screw-in adapter that implements a quick-release attachment for the fork and hook.

I was somewhat surprised by the wealth of replies to my note on having eaten two-year-old donuts. [gizmodo.com]

@RootRampage: Having several A.E. is a reasonable expectation. I have three. No craziness, but often they drop offline even though the green light is still on.

For the record, I have eaten donuts as old as two years. I was going for three with another batch, but cereal moths got into the box and reuined it.

@DavidAndrus: Yeah. I hear that the new marketing term is HoseNet - "Faster than a fire hose!"

@Wibble: "just from the UK, originally"

@Wibble: "only syncs 2 pairs of specs"