Wolfstone is informative

@tigerthunder: The difference is probably about $2. It literally isn't worth it to produce, ship, and stock twice as many models.

@ddhboy: I also doubt that this will be a free addition to Prime. Prime is already making them money. Adding free streaming will add cost, at least some of which has to get passed on to the consumer. Which will cause non-streamers to cancel.

@dsands: Yes, I got Monsters vs Aliens in the free 3D starter package with two sets of glasses.

@ZenInsight: It's not a fair comparison because it isn't apples-to-apples. The trend is: LCDs are cheaper and use less energy. Plasmas give better 3D and higher contrast ratio.

@barrywoods: That's a good explanation how this could repel nonferrous objects, like aluminum cans.

@David Sands: I love my C8000! It is indeed bad ass!

@David Sands: I also own the C8000 plasma, and this looks might similar! But the article says this is LCD, not plasma.

@tigerthunder: There's a reason that high-end models have 3D built in...

@PrinceLUDA21: "Most average consumers don't either care or have the $3000 plus."

@JoelR: Better 3D than what?

@ZenInsight: Samsung offers both LCD and plasma 3D TVs. I have a Samsung 50-inch plasma and am quite pleased with the performance.

@tomsomething: And sometimes a bigger dose than from the plumbing.

@MisterFoo: It depends. "Hard science fiction" purportedly tries to get the science right. Think Asimov, Brin, and Clarke. Sometimes that helps with the suspension of disbelief when the really odd stuff starts. And when a hard SF creator screws up, they should be gently chided for it.

"What happens when an asteroid hits Earth? Judging from realistic simulations involving a sledgehammer and a common laboratory frog, we can assume it'll be pretty bad."

@phoghat: Based on his short-lived marriage to that green-skinned Orion slave girl?

@foylyndstrom: Since you posit that the level would change yearly, why not use the year?