Wolfstone is informative

@The Batmobile: Was Superman Returns a reboot, or a sequel many years later?

Followup article - Experts: Gators In Northern Waters Probably Pets

@Wwhat: Why have to choose just one? Allah, the god of vampire pirates!

@jianna: I don't believe that there are any significant inherent physical or mental capabilities between genders. There are women who are good at Chemistry and men who are poor at it. Some guys are atheletess and some couch potatoes - same for women.

@SmarchHare: Please don't do that. There are plenty of female characters that could be chosen. They could even invent some new. But I prefer to keep the gender of existing characters.

@ding-dang: "That's more like it. I knew this was gonna suck when I saw that he was indoors."

@Bobby T.: Sure! Why should you be any different from Skullcandy?!

My philosophy on iPhone cases is to avoid soft rubber/silicone and go for a harder case.

@Dynasty99: There are proposals/patents out there to track your eyes and customize a sweet spot for you.

@AlphaJarmel: 3) There is no reason why software-based 2D-3D conversion wouldn't work here as well as it works anywhere.

@schunniky: "taking a lovely walk down the street full of kids."

@Grahamunculus the Corpse Golem: I'm not a squirrel fancier, but I am fond of cats - and a cat with mange is a truly horrible and pathetic sight. I have saved many a cat with oral dose of Ivermectin, .2 mg/kg body weight.

@tomsomething: There have been examples of chimps assembling two short sticks in order to make a stick long enough to knock down bananas. But they didn't think of the idea. A human did it for an example, and the chimps monkey see monkey do.

@Willobis: "Well, obviously it's not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturers of dairy products."

@Charliehorse: Well, I was guessing as to EvanSei's reasoning.

@TheCrudMan: "If you have to ask, you (probably) can’t afford it."

@Stem_Sell: It could be a superfluous gratuitous supernumerary extra bonus redundancy.

@NerD:blogOtaku: Amen! Another load on jeffrey for saying that!

@Odin: Some years ago, a couple of my coworkers who were extremely into martial arts decided that they could improve their flexibility, speed, and precision by studying ballet.