Wolfstone is informative

@ghost25: "To me, there's absolutely no advantage to watching a crappy movie in 3D versus watching a well-executed movie in 2D."

@ignacio reyes: Check the police report for murders in the area.

@jupiterthunder: It is hideous, and looks about ready to collapse!

@roninpenguin: You seem to be one of the few sane posters on Gizmodo. I say this simply because you say that 3D is good in some places and bad in others.

@eliavictor: I recently upgraded my ancient Sony TV to a Samsung 50-inch plasma and Blu Ray. I skipped at least two generations of television.

@musiqrulez: The 2D barcode doesn't tie you to anything.

(deleted duplicate post)

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

@TexasRed: Exactly how private was the Conestoga program? They used government-surplus Minuteman missile stages; launched from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility; and took NASA funding for the COMET program.

@mtfmuffins: I agree that these seem derivative.

@tn544: It's probably cheaper to have the touch screen function as a keyboard than to add the parts for a keyboard and hinged body.

"Maybe PVC, which is stronger, my friend said, because of its extruded, not molded"

@erebu5: Lookat it this way - the U.S. is being used for a test market to work out the bugs. Then foreign users get a better product.

@jordi: Every 3D TV that I have seen allows you to turn off the 3D. But it's usually just an on/off thing.

@andrews1469: People have the right to hate 3D, but I agree that it is annoying and redundant for the haters to hijack every 3D thread for their complaints.