

The only way Israel will nuke anyone is if someone nukes them. I see them doing "strategic strikes" against targets in Iran where nuclear builds are taking place. And I'd bet hard money they have the intelligence right now about where those targets are.

I expect to hear news about Israel finally making its move *very* soon. They absolutely will not be passive about the Iran's potential to build a nuclear weapon.

There's an even better alarm clock that takes off running on two wheels once it goes off. You have to open *both* eyes to go find the damned thing before you can get any peace. And that sucker is loud too. I know, because I bought one. For my son.

Thanks. I use it on a Mac and like it, but haven't done a comparison between it, Chrome or Firefox.

That's a bold and risky thing to say. I'd never give up my scrubs and scalpel.

I'd really like to know how Safari compares to the rest. On Windows or the Mac OS.

I know it might seem obvious and redundant to say this but: *perfect* headline, Jamie.

Just a guess: it might be that you need to be running Timeline for this to work. If you are, then I'm stumped.

I believe you. It's kind of weird really - I have a friend (not a techie) whose job revolves around banking security, and she once told me that banks try to plan about five years ahead for security (whatever that means). A little surprising that stuff like this can get in there so easily.

That's really too bad. IT folk have long been attempting to promote the use of various sites, often siting the fact that "banks use the same type of security" as a panacea for their fears. Obviously, those days are over.

*nodding* Yup. We're still a long way off from Star Trek ideals. (Who're you calling a geeky nerd???)

"Friends of friends" almost seems redundant. If posting to that group, you may as well post to the world. The difference seems almost negligible.

And hands up - how many of us have had to contact vendor support for a client, only to have to listen a scripted spiel from someone with less tech knowledge than our users?

I watched a user earn the "Bad Touch" award when they were taken on a tour of the server room. They saw the big red button on one of the servers and, before I could say "DON'T!" he flicked it off. All kinds of folk lost access to their email. *sad face*

LastGunslinger: nicely done.

I envision a new type of traffic technology: autonomous-vehicle-only lanes. Similar to HOV lanes, except that only those cars with security chips identifying them as driverless will be permitted entry. Robot cars won't crash with each other (except in case of a "fatal Windows error" (ba-dum-dump)), so there won't

This actually has "universal application" written all over it. Banks, pharmacies - anything that serves as a draw to thieves could utilize this technology.

I agree. And....they work well whether you're out walking, working out in the gym, or at home.

Pardon me, Iran. I believe you said something?