
Lawmakers will just formulate legislation that gets around this. LIke finding a way to put some sort of tracking device on every car that comes off of the assembly line. The fact that it throws out a ping all of the time will be sort of like you and I putting our garbage out each week. Once it's out there, it's

I very much like your entire comment. The business world (film, music and literary) hasn't yet caught on to the changing paradigm of the consumer world. Barry Eisler - a well known and highly respected author - "outed" the publishing industry in the best way possible: he turned down a $500 K book advance in

I wonder how many others will get snagged in this attention? Presumably anyone from this continent who bought the "premium upgrade" service, I'm guessing.

One of the first commenters on this article had it right: if the IDF had indeed done this, they wouldn't have advertised it. Israel takes great pains not to advertise her activities. She instead allows "leaks" to occur. It's fairly certain Israel was behind the assassination of the Iranian nuclear scientist, but

It's interesting. I don't care at all about the fight to empower women in the tech world (or negating their advance either), and it doesn't matter to me that scantily-clad women attend these things. I like looking at them, obviously but that's as far as it goes.

I seriously doubt folk will forget about the threat this legislation brings, even if they take it back, change the name and re-introduce it. Yes, our attention spans are short, except when it comes to two things: fear of pain, and anticipation of enjoyment. Both of those stay on our radar long after other seemingly

And that's a wall-sized board, right?

Thanks for the tip on Lastpass! I'll check into it.

You're right - a little common sense is needed. My eWallet password is fairly random - I don't write it down anywhere, so there's no way anyone's going to figure it out or ever get it. But what about those SecurID tokens that generates new passwords every few minutes or so? If I could find a way to get one of those

How many jumps have you done? Or have you lost count?

It depends on the password manager software. I use eWallet, which in itself is set up to require a password that you have to enter before it'll open up for you. If a thief got access to your browser, and you had auto-password enabled, your password manager would be bypassed, and it wouldn't have solved anything.

You're quite welcome horai. I'm always on the lookout for new and interesting groups like this one. Thanks too to Fire Crouch for the recommendation of "Knights of Shame".

Yeah, it's funny. My daughter worked as a flight attendant for an airline, and she told me they were pretty strict about all of this stuff - but couldn't explain the science behind it. So, to keep her happy with me, I got obsessive about putting my devices on airplane mode all the time.

That's an amazing video, and a great song to go with it too. For those interested in the music, it's "Sail" by Awolnation, from their Megalithic Symphony album.

"Enough is enough! I've had it, with these m**therfu**ing cats on this m**therfu**ing plane!"

*whoops - meant to reply to someone yet it ended up here. Monday morning brain fart*

I used to. Developed a skin rash. Saw a dermatologist, who recommended a bar soap without perfumes and chemicals and stuff. Skin problem went away, and I no longer develop horns and extra long body hair. Also, I almost never howl at the moon now.

I'd like to know more about this. I've never had a problem with lost connection to my Apple BT keyboard. Recently took it on a trip with me to use with my iPad (instead of taking a laptop) and never had it drop connection even once. And I use it at home with my iMac and have never ever had it drop the connection.

Wish there was a way for this to work over a WiFi connection when one of the computers requires a locked down VPN connection (for work). Once connected, the PC is no longer visible to the rest of the home network, and can't interact with anything - including WiFi printer. So....I'm looking for a hardware solution at

It will be, for sure, once it provides access to the Mac environment as well. Right now only Windows is supported. I'm keeping an eye on this site - and when Mac is supported, I'll probably buy.