
While you are correct, there are a couple of factors which made it difficult to do. One is that the small business guy has to set up a system to make it work. And the second is that every single vendor/customer he does business with has to have such a system in place too. The first problem is easily overcome but

You're not alone. I would hate to see RIM get Palmed but......let's put it this way: I wouldn't buy their stocks today, hoping for a bonanza later on.

To address the title of this article: snail mail needs to be around for just a bit longer. Small businesses rely on it for sending invoices and receiving cheques from customers and vendors. We recently went through a snail mail strike in Canada and it was the small businesses who suffered the most: major debtors

Actually, they added balloons - but you have to watch the video to get that detail (which they don't show, unfortunately).

Same here. Then I took my man card out and ripped it in pieces. :)

That's true, but it's rare that any further searches are required at that point.

Just wondering: are there that many people who actually go to the Google page to look stuff up? I'm usually in a hurry so just type in whatever I'm looking for, in the handy little Google field of whatever browser I'm using.

RIM has a salivating demographic - namely company executives in typically Microsoft environments - who really would prefer to deal with their products rather than Apple or Android products. Linking the smaller form factor Playbook to a Blackberry felt like a band-aid solution to what they really want, which is a

This article is just amazing. Hard not to admire a guy like this - who clearly understands the value of human life.

@schunniky: That's one of the many problems with governments that last only a few years. Planning by politics has some issues - like approval for decent long-term initiatives like this one. I wonder if such a thing could be built if private industries could partner with each other, to fund, build and manage it, with

I've read reports where older folk have had an increase in STDs. Willing to bet that most of that is a result older guys not wanting to use condoms. Maybe this will change all that.

Not after I found out. She told me over dinner at a restaurant. I stopped talking, paid the bill, said goodbye and that was it.

Match.com will do its best, I'm sure, but not all sex offenders are that easily found. Some exist outside of the U.S. borders though, so they're not going to catch the scummy jerks who fly in from other countries regularly on business. (I mean those who have yet to be caught, tried and convicted)

I think we'd need a "how-to" for non tech-savvy users. As far as social media goes, not all low-life scum uses their real names or anything readily identifiable on these sites. Ultimately it's a case of buyer-beware, and people (not just women) need to approach any web-initiated dates with a fair degree of caution.

It looked like the building he was on was fast becoming an island. I would have stopped filming and quickly made my way to higher ground, somewhere inland.

I'm amazed that the videographer stayed there that whole time. If it were me doing the filming, I'd be looking at those structures breaking down and floating away, and wondering how soon I'd be marooned at my building.

@starxd: " he's content using backup service Backblaze—which syncs changes made to the laptop in the cloud—"

I used to buy 3-4 physical books a month. That was until I got a Sony e-book reader (which was later replaced with an iPad). Now, I've at least doubled my reading volume. E-books are cheaper, and they're much much easier to obtain - I don't have to take a 45 minute subway ride to get to my favourite bookstore and

I get migraines too, and have found that the iPad is *much* better than the iPhone in that respect. In fact, I'm beginning to think it's time for me to retire the iPhone, or at least get rid of the data plan - since I hardly use it anymore.