
@youbastid: you're right, of course. A psychiatrist mentioned that they are required to report the name of the abuser, if it came out in session. Bill was worried that, with the revelation of his abuser, his own name would somehow get out as well - as is often happens once the media gets hold of it. I picture Bill

Bill brought up a valid point about why he chose not to share his childhood torture with a medical professional. In some states (and certainly here in Canada), mental health professionals ARE required by law to talk to police about abusers. If they don't, and it's found out later, they themselves are charged. So he

Only one question (which I'm sure will be repeated time and again): when is Pandora coming to Canada?

@zensflare: Only while you're connected to Hotspot. Once you disconnect, the ads go away. I've had Hotspot for at least a year or so - great for when you want to go to hulu and places liek that.

At 5400 square feet, with a one-acre lot, the price seems about right. Even if you could afford the mortgage, there's still a killer tax to consider. Figure about $2k+ a month (based on $24K for all of 2008).

@Wraithen: Thanks. I checked their website out last night and came away impressed. Might even have to buy something. :)

I would cheerfully (ok grumpily) shell out $80 for this. Except: the current iPad generation is due for a refresh and we don't yet know the design of the new model. So....

@mconheady: Excellent question. If it does everything as advertised, I can see this thing costing around $300 or so. Compare that with $85.00/week actual maid service - and it might just be worth checking out.

Call me anal but...if I'm going to shell out that kind of money for a wristwatch, I sort of want the numbers on the face to be right-side up.

WTF Apple? First it was daylight savings time and now it's New Years?

@armin_i: My guess? The owners and operators of the conference vetted all of the info and he was allowed to present it all - likely because the guy was convicted and in jail. Hence, no legal worries.

@FlyingAvocado: +100 for this one! Thank you FlyingAvocado. Had no idea this site existed.

Our cable company even has a "retention department". Having been with them for ore five years, I pull out the stops once a year and negotiate an across the board 30% decrease.

@buddhatooda: Last I checked, cats lost out on evolution and so don't have any thumbs. How are they going to drop an iPad?

@DustyButt: The sad thing is, you could plunk $300 down for one of these things, and a thief would get by it by crowbarring the door itself. They're not going to try to shoot the lock off. They'll go for the weakest point.

I would like someone to engineer one of these things with a spring-up puppet inside. Along with a device that play "pop goes the weasel".