
@undeadmachine: What can I say? They take after their mother. *cough*

@izikavazo: if you don't mind the rain that is. My kids live out there and that's all they complain about.

Too bad it doesn't resolve his issue. The sheriff says they may have opened it because they "heard a noise". Which is absolute bullshit, really. He obviously didn't have a live animal in there.

Wow. I'm grateful to have been informed about this, by email and here on the site. I went through ALL of my online passwords, and found that my FB accounts had been hacked, as well as a few email sites. And one financial one.

@Sock.Hop: +1 Brilliant! And he's absolutely, astoundingly right, too. I remember those rotary dial phones, and hating phone numbers with zeros in them, too. And having new rotary phones with super-long cords on them, so that you could wander around the kitchen while you talked. Only to have the damned thing get

And yet, all of this progress is built upon the rickety three-legged footstool of technology. Does anyone remember the great eastern seaboard black of 2003? Everything came to a stop. No electricity=no internet=slowdown of knowledge gathering and transfer.



This makes sense. So much WiFi tends to give me wood.

@The Chaotic Buddhist: You're absolutely right of course but I have to ask you: do you recognize satire?

@blyan-reloaded: As ridiculous as everything you've said is (tongue in cheek), the fact is your argument logically follows the logic being employed by TSA. It's all so very stupid, annoying and less than effective. As others have mentioned, one need only look to El-Al for the best way to combat terrorists.

@Dr.Venture54321: *laughing* Clearly, you know too much about super heroes too. And the above pic is most disturbing. *shudders*

@Dr.Venture54321: You're joking, right? I can't tell if you're joking or if you're clueless. So...thinking the best, I'll conclude you're joking. (The Flash? Really?)

@gelatinous_d: +1 !!! Kind of what I was thinking, too. The original article discusses some of the other brainless stunts he's done. Good to know he's out there, teaching kids and bringing light to the world.

@wolfshades: (I know way too much about super heroes.)

@Dr.Venture54321: Or maybe you were thinking of this guy (Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic). Anyway, Green Lantern didn't have stretchy arms and legs.