Katy already overcame an evangelical upbringing; those nuns never stood a chance.
Katy already overcame an evangelical upbringing; those nuns never stood a chance.
...Joshua Tillman—better known as Father John Misty.
No, I would not protest that sculpture because, as you so strongly imply but never plainly state, there are far more important things to be addressed out in the big, bad world.
...so, are you a pedophile, or just trying to impress us with how deeply “Japanese” your refined sensibilities are? Either way you’re insufferable and should probably be on some kind of watchlist.
So, when the endcaps (and shelves, come to that) are half empty, the floors are filthy and the smells are best left to the imagination, what exactly are retailers hoping to accomplish? Because that is what I see, more often than not.
There’s a scene somewhere past the midpoint of the film where Batman states something to the effect that you need to beat the world into making sense.
Can we talk about how this Heidi dude is clearly an alien wearing a bad wig and dead human flesh mask...?
As far as I can tell, they both ended up with silicon simulacrums of human beings, so...a tie, I guess?
“It’s you I really care about, not some silly prom. You, Duncan,” she said, choking back the involuntary rise of bile as she sprinkled more and more lye around the makeshift shrine. “And only you.”
With $20,000 for first and $10,000 less for second on the line, Huddle’s left arm—maybe under the influence of the fight-or-flight, primitive sportsmanship-be-damned part of her brain—came up in front of Kenyan Joyce Chepkirui’s chest like a gate, and stayed there just long enough for Huddle to lean across the tape…
Kate Beckinsale is vastly underrated - vastly. She really is brilliant in an often understated way, and as far as I’m concerned, an international treasure. I’m thrilled she’s scored this role in which it appears she can truly shine.
...what the fuck is an “Aaron Carter” and why do I care?
...and then you remember he’s just another old white crank who wants to strip women of their autonomy, and it suddenly becomes substantially less adorkable.
IRL, OG biker dudes (and those rare young guys who emulate OG biker dudes) are invariably told to cut their hair and shave their beards for court. Honestly, though, a lot of guys will cut their hair if they expect to get jail/prison time for...reasons I won’t get into here.
...yeeeeah. Those...those don’t look even mildly realistic. Don’t get me wrong, they are very nice...but not realistic.
I am very sorry for your loss. Do not lose sight of the fact, and it is a fact, that you did him a profound service by your willingness to let him go.
...to bring a sense of romantic adventure to a children’s birthday party...
Tammy and Pamela were real fans who treated me with respect