Wolfgang von Schrei

Having so much money allows Kevin’s family to be the absolute worst to him emotionally and abandon him multiple times.

Apparantly there was a very confused US politician called John Lewis who was wondering why the hell he was constantly getting tweets about 'his' Christmas adverts.

It’s not about “the poors”. Plenty of rich people don’t buy Ferraris. There are other similarly priced vehicles out there too.

Obviously the fuckers who buys Ferraris do not care, otherwise they would buy something else. Just like the fuckers who support fascist Musk are more than happy to do so.

Boris Johnson on the Ferrari F430, left here for no particular reason.

I’m just going to pull this from an old Torch article...

Read the room. Really proving the socially maladjusted gamer stereotype.

Now playing

That one was my favorite until I saw this:

Imagine having the ability to be even remotely empathetic about this and then botching that as well. 

You do have the power not to be a selfish gamer twat on this topic.

It may also be noteworthy to point out that Japan’s speed limits are notoriously low - 30 KPH in some areas - which has tremendously helped with pedestrian safety. The speeding threshold is very low with breaking the threshold carrying some severe penalties for drivers. Part of why street racing along the highways

You do have the option not to make a fucking fool of yourself tho.

If any article actually DESERVES to be a slideshow...of course it ends up being an article with a single photograph.

This response is exactly why this would never work in the US.

It’s kind of like asking when do you get your inheritance right after a parent dies. Your parent is dead so you can’t stop them being dead, and asking when do you get your inheritance really has no physical impact. But it’s just rude and selfish to ask. Especially because you’re not necessarily entitled to an

People’s lives are potentially being ruined by their personal info being shared online... But when do I get to play game?

Interestingly, I’ve seen both the Hershey’s Kisses bell commercial and the M&Ms “He does exist!” commercial as upscaled YouTube ads this year, both of which were playing ad nauseam when I was a kid in the mid 90s.

Yeah, it’s...fine. There’s a British department store which does a yearly commercial that usually leaves me a whimpering mess; this was just nice and cute. And I can tell you, as someone whose parents have achieved worse lows than being publicly embarrassing, this doesn’t make me go “I should call them.”

Instead of going all incel, Republican, and hanging around prostitutes, how about just following the rules of basic decency towards women, as well as the law, and don’t try to force them into doing things they don’t want to do?

I am very, very progressive