Wolfgang von Schrei

Musk did make sure Ukraine couldn’t counter attack Russia, though, by cutting the Starlink connection they relied on.

wow so much FOX-fuelled Russia-hatred in the comments.

Go fuck yourself Kotick, and jump off a cliff.

Complicity in sexual assault and discrimination rewarded him with a golden parachute. The true American Dream.

“I ran a sexually exploitative company into the ground and all I got was this lousy golden parachute!”

That can certainly be our response to him, though.

I worked on this project! Well, not DSOC, but Psyche. Super exciting to see it work so well.

Nutjobs: “He’s innocent until proven guilty!!!”

I’ve seen A TON of “evil woman lying as always to get money and fame” nonsense from chuds on social media about this case. Seriously fucking unhinged, it’s fucking scary that all these incels are out there functioning in the world.

Jesus. Christ. Of course (OF COURSE) there are dudes (always dudes) on social media in outrage over the firing because it was "only" a misdemeanor.

I got a Community notification for this?!

Wow it sure is disgusting that a single person is allowed to accumulate enough wealth to do something like this. Good think that the literal pinkertons are preparing to kill the rest of us on behalf of people like him too (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/04/10/magazine/climate-change-pinkertons.html).


I don’t know the guy so it’s impossible to say

Sure, the ‘line goes up’ *IF* you ignore that it only goes up for a very tiny percentage of the population. And sure, the world ‘gets better’ *IF* you ignore that it only gets better for that same tiny percentage of the population. For everyone else, things are just as bad as they’ve ever been if not worse. Often a

Freeing humans from the drudgery of repetitive tasks has been the goal of every technological enhancement in human history.

Hilarious! “Freeing humans from drudgery” oh how noble.  “Removing the cost of labour from the money-making machine, no matter how deleterious for the society the factory-owners don’t live in”, there ya go, FTFY.

There was a report about Israel using AI to generate bombing targets in Gaza. The leaker’s accusation is that the targets are often wrong, and that the target generation is used as a foil for inflicting destruction on civilians and infrastructure. One of the dangers of tech solutions is the misconception that tech is

Billionaires like Zuck are ‘reading’ the writing on the wall and are taking steps to ensure that ‘me and mine’ survives the coming catastrophes that *THEY* had a direct hand in creating, exacerbating, and/or perpetuating. It’s a *BIG* reason why they’re pushing so hard on AI. It isn’t about money or profit margins.

Shit like this is what inspires people to build guillotines.

what a moron.  is he really so rich that he cannot fathom doing anything useful with his money, other than to build a super mansion with a giant underground bunker.  Straight out of Ready player one.  That was the theme of ready player one.  GREED!