Wolfgang von Schrei

Yeah that sounds like a half assed “ a bad intern did it , then ran away” excuse . I mean its barely an excuse at all.

That explanation smells like bullshit.

I guess it’s not fair to expect 2023 AVC writers to be familiar with all the content that came before them, but this site’s own Nathan Rabin introduced Manic Pixie Dream Girl to describe Kirsten Dunst’s character in his My Year of Flops review of Elizabethtown. Garden State someone deconstructed that archetype by

Traffic deaths includes everyone in traffic, including cars, bicycles, and pedestrians. 

Fuck giant trucks and the douchebros that buy them

Fuck off with that mandatory jail time shit. What purpose does it serve? I’m all for revoking drunk drivers’ licenses though. If you can’t act responsibly, you shouldn’t be allowed to pilot a death machine.

I am an alcoholic, 10 months sober, and drank to blackout every night for almost ten years, and never once did I get behind the wheel wasted.

It’s like a Mastadon account but racistier.

That’s what I called my bong in college

The Panic Playdate is a niche product that knew its a niche product and people developing and releasing games for it know it’s a niche product. And it’s succeeded fairly well at being what it knows it is, rather than trying to do something it’s not and never going to be. 

Daily reminder; Elon Mush is a fucking POS and you shouldn’t give him any of your hard earned money, ever.

I’m so glad we’ve gone from the wooden dialogue, self-seriousness, and lore-before-story pitfalls of letting George Lucas handle all of Star Wars and instead…

That's got to be worth at least one more season of GLOW.

“Can we just get to the part where we pay a fine equal to 5% of our profits over 24 hours and be done with it?”

I’ve never seen women habitually shout those judgements at men who are just walking down the street, or sidle up to a man in the (supermarket/bus/lift/ every other goddamn place) to tell him unprompted what they want to do to his body, or claim they’re too disgusted by his body to do those things.

He is as bad as his dirtbag fkn father. Total douche. I will laugh when fkn dies. I will sh-t an p-ss on his fkn grave. 2 bit dirtbag Nazi filth is Elon. Wow --he built a fkn car.

That’s Old Loki. The one who always has to be pampered, the center of attention, the one who camouflages as Odin, eating grapes watching actors stage a play showing how heroic he (Loki) was/is.

the only exception I can think of to this is What If?.  It would make sense there for sure.

Story wise with respect to the larger MCU, it really doesn’t make much sense for it to have a season 3. Loki ascended to the level of a cosmic entity. There needs to be very specific stories reasons for characters to interact with beings like that. It’d make little sense for every day people or super heroes doing run